So, yeah. Times are rough in Shanieville

Aug 05, 2011 14:26

So I totally spaced on a last minute time change on therapy appt today. Showed up at the original time. Whoops.

Also, I am SO tired, due to having to be up early. See, there was a slight cave-in in my bedroom closet. If any of you know the site Learn From My Fail, my story is on the main page. I say story, it's really just a blurb. Basically, last week I noticed a small crack in my bedroom closet ceiling. I called the landlord, who was headed out of town. He said not to worry about it. I didn't. Thursday evening, I heard an almighty crash come from the bedroom. I went to investigate, but found nothing out of place. So, I decided it was just something from next door. (I live in an apt building).

Saturday, I went to open my bedroom closet, and found the ceiling ON THE BLOODY FLOOR. Well, floor, shelves, clothes, totes. There was a large hole in my ceiling where it had fallen through, looking up into the roof. And EVERYTHING was soaked and dirty.

Anyway, that was Saturday. I've been living with a hole in my closet since then. Finally today, they got around to beginning repair work. (No rush guys, really. It's only rained four times since then...) All morning I had to listen to them fixing the roof. I am not a fan of being denied sleep.

I guess they finished, because they are gone now. Next is the interior. The closet needs fixing from the inside as well.

In other news, I have been about four weeks without a car. It is too humid to walk anywhere (Not that there is much to do within walking distance), so I have been holed up in my apt. It is driving me bonkers. The fuggin walls are closing in on me. I have Lizzie for company, and that is about it.  I want to go to the Dollar Tree to pick up some necessities, Family Video to nab a movie, the Mall to buy a book... then again, all that requires money, which I am not permitted to have. (Don't even get me started on that)

Awesome-san pointed out something yesterday. He said that I am basically living in my parent's basement... it just happens to be down the street a ways. They control when and where I can go outside of it, they (basically) control all my income and spending, They come and go as they please from my place, and if there is ever an issue with the apt, they must be involved with it. Hell, the only reason I ever got this apartment was because they are good friends with the landlords. Any decisions regarding the place must clear my parents as well as them. No it's NOT legal, but then my landlords have never really let that get in the way of any of their decisions in the past, why should they now.


I have no real independence.

I hate my life.

And people wonder why I spend all my time on the computer, in the virtual world. Do you really blame me?


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