Had some extra money (not really) and decided to get my account back up to paid for a bit.
Like the theme? I thought it appropriate.
But Shanie - how is it appropriate?
Simple. As you all know I have a MASSIVE thing for Who. Doctor, Doctor, Jack, and all that. But lately, I've been immersing myself in Moffat's OTHER show...
Oh my GUH why did it take me a year to find this show???
Actually, scratch that. Had I discovered it when it first aired, I would have had to wait over a year for new eps, rather than a few months.
Now, I admit, I was never really into the stories much besides what I had to read for school. But I always found the concept intriguing. I just had a hard time getting into the setting. Really, turn of the century England speech patterns just annoyed me. I found them so empty and unapproachable. The feeling simply wasn't there for me.
Cue Moff and Gatiss.
Suddenly, I can FEEL it. It's like the stories make sense to me now. The concept is the same but the setting is one I can understand, and appreciate.
Also, even though it is written by some of (if not all) Who-team writers, I find it so much better written than Doctor Who.
Still trying to figure that one out.
Cumberbunny is magnificent, and awkward, and I love watching him as Sherlock. He's a total genius at times, and a complete brat at others. It's like watching a twelve year old who bores easily, knows he's smarter than you, and has a tendency to complain about both while he's busy awesoming all over the place.
I totally want to hug John. He's like a wonderful fuzzy-wearing teddy bear with a gun. Don't ask me why I think that, I just do. Maybe it's the smile. I wish I had his level of patience. I'd go far.
Gatiss as Mycroft makes me giggle for reasons I can't explain yet, and probably never will.
I want to do dirty dirty things to Andrew Scott. Not his character, mind you. Moriarty creeps me out. But that tight suit does things to my brain I'm not quite proud of. :)
And finally, speaking of characters, I want to sit down and have coffee with Molly. I would discuss the idea of gaydar and why hers needs tuning. And then we would consume mass quantities of ice cream until she feels better about her love life.
All in all, wonderful show.
Now, if only series 2 would get here already!