Jan 10, 2011 09:09
Whiskey Sour is J.A. Konrath's introduction to Jack Daniels, and the mystery's in this series revolve around her. Daniel's is a cop's cop, who has given up her whole life to her work. This first installment pits her against The Gingerbread Man, a guy with a whole lot of anger issues, and a clear hard-on for Jack herself.
I was reading this partly because I'd read it was disturbing, and because I'd read a collection of short stories by Konrath in '10, some of which starred either Jack or the cast of characters who surrounded her.
I liked how the serial killer in this story was very real - in that Konrath used real psychology, a triggering event, had a hand writing expert/therapist give his opinion - and yet I didn't feel bored, or like this had all been done before. The writing is quick, crisp, and very easy and enjoyable to read. The characters feel fully fleshed out, with their own quirks, flaws, and strengths. I even felt like some of the minor characters, those whom were unique to this novel rather than the Jack-Daniels-verse in general, were more real than some main characters in other novels I've read recently.
The one thing that bugged me was the change in character POV. I didn't find it too distracting, but Konrath switches between two character, Jack in first person POV, and The Gingerbread Man in third person POV. It was a little jarring at first, and then I got used to it, and it still bugged me, but just a little.
I also had to be in a particular mood to read this novel, and I'm not in the mood currently to move onto the next in the series. Overall, however, it's highly recommended - a nice, gory horror for those who aren't interested in the cozies.
read in '11,
j.a. konrath