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Aug 05, 2009 19:05

(StillOut-of-Character Information
Name:  Soki
Are you over 15?:  Yes
LJ username: Green_Thundah
Time Zone: -10 GMT
AIM:  GreenThundah
MSN:  None
Tegaki: None
Anything Else?:  Yahoo! IM is SockOpera

In-Character Information

Name : Luigi Mario
Game/Series: Mario Series
Age & Grade Level: 18. Freshman.

Luigi is clumsy, shy, and nervous, and gets even more so around girls. He has a crush on Princess Daisy, the princess of Sarasaland.
He is also a "neat freak," and looks up to his older brother, Mario. Luigi is extremely claustrophobic, and terrified of Boo and other ghosts. In his opinion, a less adventurous and more peaceful life would be better, where he doesn't get nearly killed in sports.
He’s almost always concerned what his impression is on other people.
He is a gentle person, would rather avoid a fight if he could, and would gladly make friends with almost anyone, as long as they’re friendly and not a “bad guy”.
Luigi hates it when his brother has to leave him behind to go out and save Princess Peach, but he would rather not go along with Mario.
Luigi is Mario’s less popular and not as courageous younger brother, and seems especially cowardly, since his older brother has been the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom countless times, while he stays back to, as he says, "watch the house". He’s usually referred to by titles like “Mario’s younger brother” or “The man in green," since everyone usually forgets his actual name.
He wishes to be as popular as Mario, but he doesn't want to have to go through the things Mario has gone through. Also, if he was more popular like his brother, it would probably all go to his head.
Luigi cherishes his hat. Nobody knows how he got it, since he had it when he arrived with the stork. It looks just like Mario's, except it's green and has an "L" instead of and "M" on the front of the hat. Unlike his brother, who just throws his hat into the dryer, Luigi gently and carefully washes and dries his hat by hand.
When he's alone at home, he either cleans, cooks (he loves cooking and baking, especially Italian food), gardens, reads (he usually reads mystery or romance novels), or watches cooking shows and old movies. He doesn't like horror movies, and his favorite movie is the musical version of "The Phantom Guy of the Opera" (the earlier version is too scary for him). He's a subscriber to the "Foppish Gourmet Weekly," a magazine about gourmet food. He once submitted an article on Italian baking, featuring his favorite dessert recipe, the "Zabaglione Gelato di Luigi". It was rejected 15 times, however, Luigi remains optimistic, and still submits it bi-monthly.
On Saturdays, he goes to the market to buy unusual ingredients for various Italian recipes. Also, while he's at the market, he often stops by the Antiques Shop, but seldom buys anything.

Luigi is Mario's twin brother (younger than a few seconds or minutes). Unfortunately, when they were babies, being delivered by a stork, a Magikoopa called Kamek kidnapped Luigi. He meant to grab both babies, but dropped baby Mario. Luckily, baby Mario landed on a Yoshi, on Yoshi's Island.
While baby Luigi was with Kamek, he was taken good care of, and nobody really knows what Kamek was planning on doing with him. There were rumors that Kamek was planning on killing both babies, so they wouldn't ruin Bowser's plans in the future, but it didn't really seem like Kamek was capable of killing a helpless baby, otherwise, Luigi would be dead.
In the end, baby Mario and the Yoshis from Yoshi's Island defeated Kamek and baby Bowser, and saved baby Luigi.
A few years later, Mario went off to become a carpenter, while Luigi stayed back to live with their parents for a couple more years. One day, Mario called Luigi and told him some weird story about his pet gorilla going on a rampage and kidnapping his girlfriend. Luigi talked Mario into being a plumber, like himself, since being a carpenter seemed dangerous, and, apparently, included gorillas.
After Mario became a plumber, Luigi decided to move in with his brother and run a plumbing business with him. During their plumbing business, they were sent to investigate some sewage pipes, since there were weird creatures lurking around down there. They eliminated all of the monsters and continued with their regular plumbing business. After their heroics, defeating all of the monsters in the sewers, the Toads of the Mushroom Kingdom asked Mario and Luigi to save their princess, Princess Peach, from the evil king of koopas, Lord Bowser. Luigi didn't want to go, already frightened of Bowser by the description they were given, but Mario forced Luigi to come with him.
Eventually, Mario had to leave more and more often to save Princess Peach (sometimes with Luigi, but not very often), since Bowser, apparently, was determined to get Peach to marry him, leaving Luigi alone at home.
Once, Luigi was home by himself, since Mario had gone off to who knows where (actually, Mario was trapped in a painting by King Boo). Luigi checked the mailbox to find a slip of paper saying, "Dear Mario and Luigi, You're winners! Follow this map to your new mansion!", with a note from Mario, saying that he already found the paper in the mailbox, and will meet him at the mansion. When Luigi got there, he found the mansion was haunted. Luigi decided to enter the mansion anyway, and met a short old man called Elvin Gadd, who, apparently, was a professor. He told Luigi that he saw Mario run past towards the haunted mansion, and that he was probably kidnapped (Marionapped?) by the ghosts in the mansion. E. Gadd lent Luigi a ghost-sucking vacuum called the Poltergust 3000 to aid him in his quest to save Mario. In the end, Luigi sucked up all the ghosts, all 50 of King Boo's Boo followers, and King Boo himself, then made them all into portraits and got Mario out of his painting with E. Gadd's help.
Another time, while Mario was saving Princess Peach from the X-Nauts (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door), Luigi had another adventure of his own. It started when he got a letter from the minister of the Waffle Kingdom, Minister Crepe. In the letter, it said that Princess Eclair, the ruler of the Waffle Kingdom, was kidnapped by the Chestnut King, and that they needed the Mario Brothers' help to get her back. Luigi decided to go without his brother, and set out for the Waffle Kingdom. He was met by Crepe, who gave him a piece of a compass. The compass, called the Marvelous Compass, was said to track down Princess Eclair once all the pieces were found. Every piece pointed to the next, and the last piece was in Princess Eclair's crown. Luigi eventually finds all the compass pieces (picking up some allies to help him on his adventure) and follows it to Princess Eclair's location. There he faced the "evil" Chestnut King, but Princess Eclair walked up to Luigi, and told him that she and the Chestnut King were actually lovers (which must have broken Luigi's heart, since he was in love with her as soon as he heard her voice). The King had been changed into the "monster" by Minister Crepe. It turned out that Minister Crepe thought up a complicated plot to become king of the Waffle Kingdom, which involved changing the Chestnut King's form and getting Luigi to reassemble the compass. As soon as Luigi found out the truth, Minister Crepe himself came out, and, unfortunately, Luigi and his allies were unable to defeat him. Then, the compass piece in Princess Eclair's crown shone, and gave Luigi future-sight. Since Luigi knew everything Crepe was going to do, he was able to defeat him, bringing peace to the Waffle Kingdom. While Luigi was on this adventure, an author (probably from Petalburg, since that's where all his fans are) followed him, later making Luigi's adventure into series of books, called the "Super Luigi Series". The series of books was a log of Luigi's adventures, exaggerated to make Luigi seem more heroic than he really was, since, most of the time, Luigi was clumsy and messed things up. Also, when Luigi told the story of his adventure to Mario, he exaggerated it to make himself seem more heroic, but not as much as in the book. Everybody who traveled with Luigi seemed to dislike him, except for Screamy and Hayzee.
During the events of "Super Paper Mario", Luigi, at one point, was captured by Count Bleck and brainwashed by Nastasia. Luigi became one of Count Bleck's minions, and called himself Mr. L, or the Green Thunder. Mario and his friends fought Mr. L and Brobot (his robot "brother") two times. In the end, Luigi came back, not knowing, to this day, about Mr. L. It's unknown whether or not Mario knew Mr. L was Luigi.

Recently, Mario has decided to go to a school called Smash Academy. Luigi arrived at the Smash Academy quite a while after his brother came. Even though Luigi claims he was guarding the house and securing the windows while Mario went ahead to the academy, and that he would catch up to Mario afterwards, he was actually planning on just staying home while his brother went to the academy. However, Luigi, lonely while Mario went to the academy, went to the academy as fast as he could, not even realizing what he was signing up for.

Anything Else?:
~Even though Luigi has worn a dress three times, and there are rumors that he enjoys wearing dresses, he claims that he did not enjoy wearing the dress any of the three times he wore it, and that it was only to help save the world and various princesses.
~Luigi’s only power is Thunder Hand, unless if jumping high counts as a power.
~Luigi is taller than his older brother and can run faster and jump higher than him, but his shoes have bad traction.
~Luigi is vegetarian and tries to eat healthily whenever he can.
~Luigi can fluently speak both English and Italian.
((Also, I’d like to start over with a different Luigi than last time's Luigi.))

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
Wow... This academy is huge! Wait- This is an academy where you learn how to fight, and the headmaster is a giant hand?! That sounds... Dangerous and scary... Why is everything here like that?!
Well, at least I’ll be here with my bro. I hope he’s okay...
I guess I’ll just try to have as much fun as possible while I’m here. I mean, I do get to meet new people, and maybe I’ll be able to improve my fighting skills- incase I ever need them.

In-Character 3rd person writing post:
Luigi walked up to the doors of the large building, awkwardly holding his bags in both arms, making it impossible for him to open the door. After worrying about getting his bags dirty by setting them on the ground, he finally decided to put them down so he could open the door. He picked up his bags and walked inside, looking around at his surroundings. He called out for anybody, confused as to what he was supposed to do now that he got there. ‘Well, now what?’, he thought to himself, still carrying his two bags.
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