King Boo App. Trial

Aug 05, 2009 18:23

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Lola
Are you over 15?:  Yes
LJ username: king_of_the_boo
Time Zone: -10 GMT
AIM:  KingoftheBoo
MSN:  None
Tegaki: None
Anything Else?: Y!M is LolayesIam

In-Character Information
Name : King Boo
Game/Series: Mario Series (Luigi’s Mansion)
Age & Grade Level: About 520 years old, acts like 24. Freshman?

King Boo is king of the boo, and a trickster with a gambling problem. He loves to frighten easily scared people, since he knows he’ll get a reaction from them. He has a serious sweet tooth, and loves to eat candy. He is full of himself, and often refers to himself as the “King of Haunts” or “King of Ghosts”. He has a grudge against Mario and Luigi, and is secretly afraid of vacuum cleaners. He isn't up-to-date on a lot of things, since, after escaping from 15 years of entrapment in a painting, he sulked in a random Boo House for a couple of years after being defeated by Luigi, losing his mansion, and being abandoned by his Boo followers. He is egocentric, narcissistic, and often orders people around. He is gender biased, and thinks females, especially mortal females, are incapable. Sometimes, to annoy someone, he'll follow them around all day, often critically commenting on whatever they happen to be doing. He isn't too good with technology, since he's kind of still stuck in the 16th century technology-wise. He knows he does not rule over all of the boo, which infuriates him. King Boo is terrible at listening to instructions, and is horrible at following the rules.

King Boo has been around for 520 years, but hardly knows anything of the outside life, since he's lived in dark, abandoned houses and the like for most of his life. No one knows how he became King of the Boo; some even say he's a self-proclaimed king. His issues with the Mario brothers goes back to when Mario, long ago, demolished the entire ghost house he was residing in. King Boo, wanting revenge on Mario and Luigi, began gathering followers and set up a base of operations in Boo Woods. After much careful planning, King Boo got to work putting things into place, such as materializing the mansion and sending out the fake prize letters. After receiving the prize letter, Mario, now wanting to wake Luigi, left a note and set off to the mansion. Upon arrival, Mario was surrounded by all 50 Boo, and trapped in a painting by King Boo. Making a hasty retreat to the mansion, King Boo and his followers went to lie in wait for Luigi. However, their plan was momentarily foiled, when E. Gadd somehow managed to trap them all in a small, hidden room. About 15 minutes later, the Boo, disgruntled their King's plan had been foiled, heard the click of someone opening the trap door above them. King Boo, seeing the tentative face of Luigi peek in, gave the signal for all the Boo to fly out at once. Luigi, startled, jumped back and screamed. King Boo was thrilled that his plan, at first seemed foiled, had worked out so well, but... Luigi had the Poltergust 3000, the same deadly vacuum that elderly scientist had used on them earlier. King Boo yelled for all the Boo to scramble. King Boo, sure Luigi would become deterred by all the ghosts and leave, left keys to all the rooms with certain portrait ghosts. Back in the Secret Altar in the basement of the mansion, King Boo relaxed, assuring himself he was safe while laughing at the silent pleas for help from Mario. About half an hour later, King Boo realized he hadn't heard any of the Boo report back to him in a while. Curious, he began to head off to search for Bootha, or Boo B. Hatch, who were supposed to be watching Luigi. Halfway through the kitchen wall, King Boo heard a loud crash from the rooftop. Excited that Boolossus might be finishing off Luigi, King Boo flew upwards to find the horrific sight of Luigi sucking the last Boo that made up Boolossus. Panicking, King Boo flew to into the attic. How could Luigi have made it that far? Suddenly, lighting flashed, thunder shook the house, and the lights went out. Had lightening stuck the building? King Boo peeked out of the rooftop's floor to see Luigi talking into some sort of device. ((ASGHFS STILL WORKING ON THIS PART RIGHT HERE))After the events of Luigi's Mansion, King Boo spent 15 miserable years stuck in a painting in E. Gadd's basement. King Boo heard about the Smash Academy, and decided to get in on the action, especially since there would be a lot of other people there to try to scare. Though he’d never admit to it, he is ever so slightly lonely, since all 50 of his boo followers left him after Luigi conquered the mansion, so the Smash Academy seemed like a good way to make a few friends as well.

Anything Else?:
•He loves eating, yet doesn’t necessarily need to eat or drink, since he’s undead.
•He enjoys flying through people to weird them out.
•He never takes his crown off.
•Sometimes, to make a “good” first impression on someone, he’ll lick them in the back of the head when they least expect it.
•You can get him to do almost anything, as long as it’s a bet.
•He can no longer put people into paintings, materialize whole mansions out of nowhere, make alternate realities inside a painting, etc., since he needed all 50 of his boo followers to lend their power to him to do those things. He can, however, still make blue flames, possess items, go through solid objects, float, and turn invisible.
•If you catch him off guard with a flashlight, he'll be stuck blushing and covering his face until you turn the flashlight off, or the flashlight beam strays from him.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
This place is AWESOME.

I think you can get away with pretty much anything! Plus we’re learning how to beat each other into paste! Like I needed to learn how.
The big hand kind of creeps me out though. What was it called? Gigantic Hand?
Oh yeah, Master Hand.

Apparently, there’s going to be some sort of humanization class thing. Ew. Why would I give up my lovely spectrality to be a human? I mean, sure, I can’t write with my nubby arms, but whatever, not like I’m actually gonna study here.

What? I have to study in order to stay here? AWWW NO...

In-Character 3rd person writing post:
King Boo hovered quietly in the darkness. Any minute now...

He heard the noise of someone putting quarters in the slot.

King Boo’s grin widened. Finally! Someone had come.

The person must have been deciding which soda they wanted, because there was a pause before the button was pressed. The clunk of a soda can sounded behind King Boo, and King Boo knew it was time.

He flew through the front of the soda machine and screamed, however....

It was a teacher standing there, looking unamused.


help me?, king boo

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