oh man, I really don't come off all that well in this post

Feb 15, 2010 16:47

So I've gotten back from a nice barbeque. It was lovely weather, and I'm glad winter's over and summer will be here any day. And I suppose I should be enjoying the day more, but I'm sort of exhausted from the long weekend and being up to like 4 or 5 each night (what? I'm old, so sue me), so I'm just going to vegetate for the rest of the day and night.

Oh, but here's something. I came home last night to discover that my bf had sent me some flowers. Unfortunately, no one had been home, so they sat outside in the warm sun for a long while, and look a little worse for wear, but it was such a nice surprise, he hadn't hinted anything at all. lol, but the thing is? It has to be the most ridiculously cliche arrangement I've ever gotten in my life:

hee, omg, pink roses and greenery! And yes, that is grapevine shaped like a heart. With a bow. ohmygosh it gives me the giggles. I really don't think I've ever gotten an arrangement like that before. I'm thinking back to the last bf's I had who used to regularly give me flowers, and they both had such great taste (one was an fine arts guy and the other was an architect, so I guess that makes sense), and the arrangements were always really lovely and artistic, not like those generic ones that look like they came from the supermarket. And they always remembered that bulbs are my favorite, and while I like green flowers, like bells of Ireland or green hydrangeas, I sort of hate green filler. omg, I sound like such a selfish/ungrateful bitch right now, lol. That wasn't my intention, because I really do think it was super sweet of him. lol, he's just so young, that in his mind, he probably thought this is what all women want for Valentine's Day. Bless his 23 year old heart. And yes. That means he's 14 years younger than me. stfu.

And I know I'm supposed to post a favorite recipe for yesterday, but I don't really use recipes (I have exactly two cookbooks in my possession), especially for my favorites, so I'd have to concentrate and write a whole thing out and I don't really have the energy for that right now. I'll do it soon, but for now on to...

Day 22 → A website
This is going to make me sound like a completely out of touch loser, but I really don't spend a lot of time on the web. I mean, aside from livejournal, gmail, and the NY Times site, and I don't think I need to give you those addresses. Oh well. A few people asked me for my twitter account, so I guess I can give that: @sonjabegonja. Though, I should state right off that I don't really follow people. I know most people use it to keep in touch with each other, and to find out when their favorite celebrities are like taking a shit or other such groundbreaking info, but I just use it more... like a log? Like a place to record the things that I think are funny throughout the day. I used to text these truly amazing observations to my friends, but I think I might have been annoying them (NO idea why), so I just post them all there instead.

So... how was your weekend? :)

quizzes/memes, photos: misc, man animals, just an update

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