A bit of a music roundup!

Feb 02, 2010 19:07

So, I told gracelessheart that I'd do this, and I have to admit, it was kind of fun. I looked through my tags, and I hadn't done a post like this in a looooooong time, so maybe this will get me in the mood to do these sorts of things more regularly.

Anyway, I just thought I'd post a track from some of my favorite albums of 2009. I realize that most of these aren't exactly new (most of them were released pretty early in the year), and maybe you already have most of them, and there aren't any big surprises, but it's always kind of fun to see what other people liked, right? Maybe you might want to do a little post of your own? So here we go:

Some of My Favorite Albums of 2009
  • Editors - In This Light And On This Evening (Papillon): Okay, so this album was waaay more synthy than their last ones, but I really like it. I like the whole Joy Division thing going on, it's pretty hot.
  • Neko Case - Middle Cyclone (People Got A Lotta Nerve): Whenever people say that all modern country music sucks? They've obviously never heard Neko Case. Okay, so it's alt country, but it's still country.
  • Band Of Skulls - Baby Darling Doll Face Honey (I Know What I Am): Maybe they are just a White Stripes rip-off band. I don't care. This album is awesome.
  • Doves - Kingdom Of Rust (Kingdom Of Rust): Melancholy and rich and beautiful and no doubt their best album. This is probably my #1 favorite of the year.
  • Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane And Sugarcane (My All Time Doll): In all honesty, the rest of this album is WAY more twangy than this song, so maybe this track isn't the most representative sample, but I kind of wanted you to like this one first to maybe ease you into the rest.
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz! (Heads Will Roll): My god, this album got a lot of hate from YYYs fans, but fuck em I really liked it. And as always, Karen O's voice is so hot it makes me want to straddle the speakers.
  • Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (Two Weeks): So I know this album is on everyone's favorites list, but why shouldn't I get list it just because everyone else did?
  • Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (Lisztomania): In full disclosure, I don't really like listening to this album from start to finish, because every track starts to blend together. But the individual songs are still bitchin, and they make almost every playlist about 32% more fun.
  • Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Breakup (Relator): I'm kind of lolling that this is on my list, because when I first heard about it I was all "OHHHH NOOOO PETE WTF ARE YOU THINKING?" just assuming that this actress was going to drag my man down. But it ended up I really loved it, and just sort of forgot who was singing with him. He had a great solo album too, but I picked this one just because it so completely went against my expectations.
  • Florence + The Machine - Lungs (Kiss With A Fist): Of course this is here. Everyone loves this song.
So anyway, you can click each track title (you can play it if you aren't sure if you want it), or you can go here to get to the whole folder (there's a button at the top if you just want to download the whole list in one go).

Hope you liked some of them! Oh, and feel free to share this post if you want -- the more people who take the music, the more worthwhile the upload time was for me! :)

music, download it

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