lol, omg on a quick read of this I realized that it's pretty much overshare from beginning to end...

Nov 08, 2007 16:41

As a sort of post script to my previous entry detailing my hideousness... lol, I no longer feel like an ugly freak of nature. I've now come to the realization that I was EXTREMELY hormonal that day. I should have realized it, but I didn't figure it out until yesterday. See, due to my Parasite Prevention Implant (i.e., my birth control), I rarely get my periods. So like, randomly three times a year I get a little insane and start crying because I'm out of cheese and I'm all WHY AM I SOBBING OVER FUNGUS? And now, I can add "be personally offended when ugly dudes hit on me" to that list. HA omg, I was clearly, like, Liza Minnelli crazy, but thank you to those of you who tried being nice to me in my time of ugly need (though, it is kind of hilarious that so many of you thought that saying "men hit on anything " would make me feel better lmao).

And now, a general question about prostituting oneself... See, recently I commented to Lea that I would charge way more than $50 for a blow job, to which she asked what I would charge. So I've given it some thought. I figure that I charge around $60 an hour for tutoring, for god's sake, and I only have to correct grammar and there aren't any real wardrobe considerations (other than nothing too low cut because pre-teen perverts are obsessed with boobies). SO, I would think that I would have to charge at least 2-3 times that much to maintain some sense of dignity. Also, I think I should consider my skill set and what that's worth. So I think about $200 would be the base price. But the amount would go up based on how physically unattractive the guy might be. As well as hygiene. So, for an ugly fat guy with stinky balls, it could go up to $400. And of course, extra stuff would be extra. I think a finger up the ass is an additional $50, etc. And that, ladies, and gentlemen, is why I could never be a successful prostitute, as my prices apparently have nothing to do with market forces whatsoever. Of course, I could always do some research. Maybe head over to tranny hooker central (aka, Santa Monica & Highland after 1 am) and ask the she-males how much they charge. But as I doubt I'd ever be working the Del Taco parking lot, asking for some special man-sauce on my order of macho nachos, their menu of services may not be of much help anyways.

And just because I just want to share... This morning? In the shower? I totally shaved my shins! And yes, considering that it must have been at least six months since I last shaved my legs, I felt it was worth remarking upon. HA!

just an update

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