God it's SO HOT... THE LUST LIST!!!!!!

Jun 03, 2006 16:59

OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE 94 DEGREES I'M DYING. okay. glad that's out of my system. I'm supposed to be doing work, but whatever. I'll do this meme instead...

Ground Rules: Name your Top 20 List Of Lust, in no particular order. Your neighbor or grade school teacher doesn't count. The list can be male, female or mixed. They can be real life celebrities or characters in a movie or TV show. For example, you might want to gag Mariska Hargitay, while still lusting after Butchy McFabulous Olivia Benson. Tag 5 people on your flist to do this meme.

Okay... so AAAAAAAAAAGES ago I was tagged to do this by caalan, and I figured that whenever I came across a picture of a REALLY HOT guy I would just save it until I had 20 pictures. (I'm not tagging anyone, do it if you want to) And now I'm totally procrastinating so I figured it was as good a time as any to finally post this...

FIRST. Of course, Ben Stiller has to be on any lust list. I mean, EVERYONE knows that funny guys are HOT. Case in point...

Sigh. What I would give to be that ball.

SECOND. Willem Defoe. HOT. Yes, some people might find him a little creepy, but what can I say? That strange face and weird, haunted expression and yellowed teeth? It appeals to the romantic in me...

THIRD. OMG ladies, you are ALL going to be on board with this one...

Not that guy on the left. Who the fuck is that? (And I have to admit, I kind of don't like the way my fella is staring at him, it makes me uncomfortable) Yes... BILL GATES. He can light a fire in my loins like no other. He's SMART and like the RICHEST GUY ON THE PLANET. Well played, Melinda Gates. Well played, indeed.

FOURTH. Historical hottie, Benjamin Franklin. Okay, I know most of you would probably favor like Hamilton or Jefferson, but my money's on old Benjamin. I mean, he was apparently quite the ladies man, and that makes sense...

When all the other guys were wearing powdered wigs and the occasional corset, Old BF was playing that bald head and belly of love for all it was worth. Don't you just want to rub them both? Guh. *wipes sweat*

FIFTH. One of the few fictional characters on my lust list... Bill Lumbergh from Office Space.

God, is Gary Cole a genius or what? I don't think a more manly character has ever been portrayed on film. I can just HEAR him, "Oh SONJA!!! MMMMMMMM... Yeah...."

SIXTH. Okay. So women love bad boys, and I'm no exception to that rule. So, I HAD to include the ULTIMATE bad boy... Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader...

Fuck. Now that's a face I could sit on OVER and OVER. Holy shit. I've got to change my panties now.

SEVENTH. Oh my god, no description necessary...

Oh, sweet, sweet Neil. How your music touches me. And how I touch myself when I listen to your melodic yet manly voice.

EIGHTH, NINTH and TENTH. Because I'm on musicians now, I had to include this trio of orgasmic delight...

FUCK ME NOW. So many fevered dreams of being a part of a crazy ZZ Top club sandwich. Mmmmm. Beards.

ELEVENTH and TWELTH. So. I'm not normally into guy on guy action. But these two? TOTALLY MY FIRST SLASH SHIP. You all know who I'm talking about, because I bet it was the same for you. Deserted on that island... tropical heat... all the "playful" beating masking the serious BDSM undertones...

"Little Buddy" indeed.

THIRTEENTH. Sometimes we want a FUN and spontaneous guy, am I right? So it was with great surprise when I saw the Hoff in this provocatively playful pose...

Oh, my David. I AM hooked on a feeling. And that feeling is LOVE.

FOURTEENTH. Okay. I know a lot of you HATE this guy, but I still remember being in Junior High and watching him French kiss that weirdly masculine actress in Top Gun. That's right...

Sigh. Nothing says hot sex like crazy. CRAZY IS HOT. Die, Katie Holmes. DIE!!!!!!!!!!

FIFTEENTH. Okay, so the meme instructions said it could be a man or woman. Now, I've never fancied the ladies before, but then I recently saw THIS hot little number and I couldn't GET HER OFF MY MIND...

Do you all know her? She's apparently a singer of some fame and renown. Give me whatever info you have on her. And I love LOVE LOVE how she's totally working that whole "androgynous suit-Marlene Dietrich" vibe. Rawr. Take me, you sultry chanteuse!

SIXTEENTH. Okay. As a proud Asian, I had to include MARTIAL ARTS LEGEND, Jackie Chan...

Sigh. I love that picture. You know what it says? It says "I'm such a kung fu badass that I can totally get away with wearing a lilac blouse with a striped vest AND white shoes. And my skin-tight acid wash jeans? GOD MY ASS LOOKS GREAT IN THEM." You go, Jackie. Show them how it's done, my yellow brother.

SEVENTEENTH. And speaking of men who aren't limited in their wardrobe choices...


EIGHTEENTH. As many of you know, I teach government. And who doesn't love a man in uniform. So imagine my delight in being able to combine my two fetishes in one glorious package...

OH MR. PRESIDENT!!!! I think we can all agree that the "W" stands for "WHOA" and "WANT YOU NOW!!"

NINTEENTH. And of course, since I'm listing politicians, I HAVE to include my AMAZING governor. WARNING, this is not for all eyes to see...

DAYUM. Why Arnold hasn't made this picture the centerpiece -- and I DO MEAN "CENTERPIECE" -- of his reelection campaign IS BEYOND ME. *wipes drool*

TWENTIETH. Alas. We must come to last one. And I do believe I've saved the best for last. An amazing actor and, I'm guessing, an even more amazing human being. Rob Schneider.

OH ROB YOU HOT PIECE OF ASS YOU. Why does he feel the need to torment me by showing me his strangely smooth chest? And wearing a blazer with jeans? SO HOT. There's nothing sexier than a guy who's totally up on all the fashion trends without appearing to be overtly metro. And that expression on his face? That deeply intelligent fire burning in his eyes? I think I just came.

So. Was it good for you?

i thought it was hilarious, quizzes/memes, photos: misc, public

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