Hens night...

Apr 22, 2007 13:13

I had the best time last night... most of my friends would know i don't drink often but when i do.. I'm not halfarsed about it.

highlights of the night:

- all fantastic people there.. yay girls you are the best!
- asking boys for condoms... ok, so i only found 1 but i asked literally every guy in the hotel!
- dirty dancing the pillar.. embarrassing much
- yelling out "i'm getting married" on the balcony and ensuring i got someone's attention down below first
- getting boys names and numbers and attempting to set up one said guy with my sis in law, but she said he was lame.. doh!
- questions Si answered.. i answered wrong on some. bastard was vague.. i was specific.. not a good combo :P

i discovered the joys of gin!

I had a fantastic night, all good... and i can't wait until next week, i'm so excited!!!!
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