Jan 28, 2010 20:28
* Letting that first bite of ice cream melt luxuriously on your tongue * Sneaking into your child's bedroom late at night to watch him sleep * First kisses * Knowing that you're falling in love * Standing outside your professor's office door reading test scores to find out that you got an A * Stepping on the scale and seeing that you lost weight * Miraculously growing a human being inside your own body and then having that human being come out of your body into the world * Orgasms * The deep, musky scent of the first drops of rain on a hot summer day * Sleeping in late * The exhilaration of your favorite band taking the stage * Feeling those skinny jeans sliding easily over your hips * Performing in front of an audience and getting a standing ovation * Getting your period when you thought you might be pregnant and didn't want to be * Watching your kid succeed at life * Completely trusting that someone has your back * Finally finding a bathroom when you REALLY have to pee * The delicious warmth as you submerge into a bubble bath * Getting the job * Heaving a huge sigh of relief when you hear that your brother finally went to rehab * Talking to your mom when you're sad * The heady feeling of power when you realize that you CAN DO anything * Getting a phone call from someone telling you that no, you don't have cancer * Experiencing mind-blowing pain and making it to the other side * Running for miles * Finally telling someone how you really feel * Printing out that 20 page paper that's due in 10 minutes * Finding an old friend * Diving off the diving board for the first time * Standing in front of the Eiffel Tower * Skinny dipping * Being in the audience at your own child's concert and watching him light up with joy as he sees you * The full impact of realizing that you just narrowly escaped death * Hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time * Someone spontaneously and unexpectedly telling you that they love you * Winning the championship game * Getting a tattoo * Hitting a home run * Knowing that someone is watching as you walk away * Getting secretly married * Languishing in a hot tub on a crisp, cool night *
* Tell me one of yours *