
Jul 06, 2007 23:36

i just crossed the border from china yesterday, which was a strange adventure itself.. the lawn-mower that we rode on to get to the border crossing, walking 600m in no-man's land territory on the "friendship pass" and then waiting in line at the so over-crowded immigration office while being butted by vietnamese dudes handing their passports and 100,000 dong to get in and out fast....
hanoi is just like a game where the object is to get from one side of the street to the other without getting swiped by a motorbike/cyclo/taxi/bicycle/cloud of smoke. the mad honking is polite, to let someone know you're coming up behind them, so unlike the way i used to think of honking...
i'm so happy on this side of the world.....there's just such a feeling that i never felt before, especially here in vietnam. people are very friendly and relaxed and enjoying life (i think).. we saw a man sleeping on the street today, and we walked past that same man later in the evening and he was awake and gave us a big smile as we walked by.. and even bartering prices for things (which is for everything you buy off the street) it's sort of a joke.. you want 40? how about 5? 5!!! but this is very good quality!! ok, 6. oh no... 30 is ok.. ok, 10! ok!
oh i am so thankful to be here....
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