The New Asylum Challenge!

Jun 25, 2011 02:31

Do you guys remember my S.P.a.D.E. challenge? Well, as what I have told all of you before, I had a little accident with my neighborhood and it crashed and shit just started popping out of nowhere. Seems that I can't make custom neighborhoods then. Anyway, neighborhood deleted, challenge failed, everyone dies, yay.

SOOO here we are with the new challenge I promised everyone. This one is in a provided (I think it's Strangetown or was it Veronaville? All I know is it's NOT Pleasantview) neighborhood so, I lost most all of my APH townies and I ended up with a fresh neighborhood. Anyway, I decided to do the asylum challenge instead BUT, I can't promise that I will 100% wont cheat. Of course, I will try my best not to break most of the rules. I do have to warn you that I keep loosing track of my progress every now and then so, please bear with me. Also, you wont meet any custom APH townies here.

Now time for something I might actually finish. Also, get a special preview of the HRE sims I've been working on (still can't find a suitable bandana for Chibitalia ughh)

Some warnings: Swearing (I drop the F-bomb here and there), insanity and rape face. Also France.

Let the show begin!

8 Nations in one house and you must control only 1 (I broke the rule a bit haha) and in order for you to win the game, you must achieve said sims' LTW. Who might that lucky sim be? Why, the HERO of course~! Beware of my lame commentary and fail!Camshots so, go on!

Unfortunately, I had a bit of incident with regards to America's cooking skill. I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW THE BOOK OF TALENTS MOD WOULD MAKE AMERICA'S SKILL POINT IN COOKING BE MAXIMISED. I thought it would be "Oh, it's a mod that compiles all skills in one thing so I don't need to go buy mirrors and stuff" and unfortunately, America's skill point was... well, maximized. Anyway, I was too lazy to restart again so, I left it the way it was.

No more using that book. Although, it would stay there. I FORGOT TO BUY A MIRROR OH DEAR.

The point is, America made pancakes, Canada was literally the first person to sit down and I really suck at reading descriptions for mods.

Why do I have a really bad feeling of this? Anyway, remember when I said I'll be breaking the rules a bit? Well, adding a smoke alarm is one. Reason is my track record of fires and my luck with them. The last asylum I did ended up with a burnt American.

Try to find out where IS the burnt American I'm talking about. This doesn't even compromise 1/4 of the fires my sims started.

Anyway, back to the challenge, I just happen to remember something. I have 3 sets of family of nations wandering in my neighborhood. Of course this was bound to happen.

China better not greet himself before some sort of time paradox happens or something. Also, mindscrew!

Tell me this isn't adorable. No really. Tell me this isn't and I'll go make Russia become one with you. THIS IS FRUKING PRECIOUS DAMNIT.

Wohoo! Go England! Go burn down those calories!

This is a completely normal scenario if you ignore Russia staring at China while Poland is in a very awkward position with Prussia. Yup. Completely normal.

Why does he look so awesome when playing? Even I can't answer that.

Anyway, let's leave him play for a while. Unfortunately China would have none of it. He is also not amused.

China: Aiyaa! You westerners get out of my bathroom aru!
Prussia: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
America: Oh yes I am! >:)

Oh yes. They definitely did this on purpose.

Oh you, America. Stop mocking the poor boy. He's already humiliated as it is.

America: But come on! It was fucking hilarious!

Anyway, I need to steer America away from the bathroom before he starts another drama. So, I led him towards the fish tank!

OH GOD. I never knew playful sims make those kinds of interaction when they watch the fish! FRUKING ADORABLE!

America imagespam alert! I have to admit I love those interaction and seriously, I wanna fruking hug his face when I saw it.

Skipping the fact that there was a huge gap before he got a job, here's America in his work clothes! Also, just for an FYI, his LTW is to become a Hall of Famer. You'll be in the Athletics career then!

Anyway, he goes to work, stuff happens and France has his rape face on.

France: So, who will be my lucky victim amongst our audience hmm~?

What's with the fishes and everyone looking at it? I'm pretty sure the TV I bought still works... Oh wait... I just remembered that I sold the TV for simoleons... ahahaha...

We had a bit of bathroom crises here. Prussia and Russia just happened to pillow fight inside the bathroom while Japan attempts to get rid of them by shooing meanwhile China decided it was the right time to clean the showers. Poor Prussia ended up peeing himself... Also, Russia is staring at dat ass :D

Russia: DO NOT WANT... OooOo~ DAT ASS.

To those who think this is canonically accurate say "I".

England: Get out of my way you frog!
Canada: But, I'm Canada...





Everyone's sick with the fucking cold. I mean it.

Well, that was short ;D

Anyway, everyone's still sick with that damn cold except for America.

Russia: Become one with Russia fishies?


America loves his burgers~! Anyway, it seems lady luck is with me on this challenge! None of my sims had started a fire so far~ (and checking my record, this is the longest so far) I am tempted to remove my smoke alarm~

Remember when I said that I'm tempted to remove my smoke alarm? I take it back. I just fucking jinxed myself. And it was a nice record of no fire for once.

Thanks a lot Canada.

Anyway, after the fire of course my sims would normally use the bathroom. But then, the shower decided to troll me by breaking itself (along with the recycling bin and dish washer of course)

Since I'm really getting annoyed with that shower, I made America repair it for the sake of getting mechanical skill points as well. Also, THAT FUCKING TOILET AGAIN.

Now time for something completely different.

What is it with me and the aquarium animations? It HAS to be my favorite in-game ;D

And now time for something I really suck at:

Oh hey look a chance car-- OH GOD NOT A CHANCE CARD. I'm EXTREMELY bad at them. The only time I ended up NOT getting my characters fired, demoted or lose money/skill points are about once or twice already. OH WELL. Let's ignore this shall we?

Anyway, chance card ignored, fire starts:

For the record I blame Canada for starting this trend.

God took pity on America and decided to let him keep his job for once.

It's that toilet again. Oh come ON! I swear Canada just cleaned that MINUTES ago!

Anyway, I made America clean it and all that jazz. Also, my sims strangely love coffee... I mean it.

This is what Russia does almost all day. Minus watching the fishies and playing with other nations...

... and start fires of course. Well, so much for my new record of not starting fires.

So after starting said fire, Russia proceeded to become a huge douche and shooed Japan away from the kitchen, who is cooking something, to take a sponge bath.

Image shack doesn't like naked Russia WITH PIXELS. Sheesh. It's not like a 5 year old is viewing the internet... right?

Anyway, unless you petition to get that naked Russia back, I can't upload it anywhere. So, let's see what our dear France has to say about it:

Why, by starting another fire of course! I seriously blame Canada for this.

Come on ACR! Don't fail me now!~

Uh-oh. Fine, I kinda cheated and checked China's stats and just... yeah. Also, America's at work. What will ever happen to our China now?

Fine. The Chinese food man arrived and China didn't die of starvation. YAY!~

China: I was this close to starvation aru and all you can say is yay?

Anyway, America goes home and the usual, he almost passed out due to lack of energy BUT anyway, after sleeping, I made him go get some mechanical points up.

Well, there goes the bathtub. The most durable thing in-game. NEED. MORE. MECHANICAL. POINTS. UGHHHH!

Not another fucking fire! Are you guys mocking me or something?

... You know what? Don't even fucking answer the question.

Anyway, let's steer away from the fires and then let's make America finally fix those trash compactors and dishwasher. Again with my luck in this. Usually, my sims get electrocuted so, I'm not really sure what would happen now. So, I hope you guys don't mind a barbequed American.

Will America be barbequed? Or will he finally get over his fear of electrocution and finally fix those things with only 4 mechanical skill points?

That's done! Now time for the other! Come on America! I know you can do it!

And one thing's definitely sure: That is not a barbequed American I see :D

To celebrate, I made him do yoga!

Although I think he's kinda broken... OH WELL.

I'm cutting it off here since this is where I literally got cut off. Anyway, I hope you guys got a giggle at least once or twice in this entire post.

Right. Bonus pic preview of HRE while I upload him some time.

Anyway, just a quick explanation. I'm not entirely proud of his cloak but, it's the best that I could find. So far his hat also irks me a bit but over all, I like how he came out.

And that's it! I hope you stay tune for this challenge!

People in the asylum: America (controllable), Japan, China, Russia, England, France, Prussia and Canada.
Fires started: 4

sims 2, hre, france, japan, prussia, asylum, canada, hetalia, russia, challenge, england, allied forces, holy roman empire, china, preview, america

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