Please Sweet Baby Jesus...

Nov 21, 2008 10:59


Every which way I turn, I see a poster on a bus shelter, a park bench, a taxi cab, a billboard, a tv spot, a newspaper ad, or hear a radio spot, or some cheesy morning news chat show douchetard talking about some free screening ticket giveaway for this goddamned crappy tween drivel! Thank Bowie my son is too young for this demographic!

Anyone who knows me knows that I LIVE for anything with fangs! Even the shittiest vampire movie makes me happy. But this just looks GUT-WRENCHINGLY HORRIBLE! I'd rather watch my mom make out with my grandmother.

They srsly think this will surpass Harry Potter in terms of popularity?!? O RLY??? Are you fucking HIGH?!?!?

Christ! I feel like I've been forced to sit and look at pictures of people's kids for the past month!

Go away, Twilight. Now. This weekend can't be over soon enough.
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