.: 060 | Not good ...

Jun 08, 2007 01:16

Real, not real ... the point to existing ... what does any of it really mean, anyway? Who decides if someone is worth enough to be allowed to live, to be allowed to exist, and who isn't? Why do people always feel like they have the right to decide that for us ( Read more... )

ou: jade, ou: yuuko, auldrant, entry, replica, asch, fonons, van-sensei

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Comments 198

gaz4prez June 8 2007, 05:28:13 UTC
Yeah, Yuuko has that effect ( ... )


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 14:53:30 UTC
Mm. With Yuuko, it was something else, but she helped me realize a few things. And maybe that helped me figure this out, too.

If you want the honest truth, a lot of what I do is just to get a rise out of people. And maybe a bit to see just how far past it people can really see. If they can't, well ... oh well. I like being underestimated. It makes the shock value that much better.

Hahahaha. I won't tell anyone, don't worry.


wicked_finesse June 8 2007, 05:41:39 UTC
Kid, you might not realize it, but you have yourself more figured out than most people ever do. When you think about it, everyone comes into being for other people's reasons, and never even think about it. Most people get through life ignoring their own big questions and doubts.

But here you go, solving the meaning of life. Which is, of course, to be alive. "I exist, therefore I am," as it were. Well, I suppose you could say life is about making what you will of it, though perhaps not everyone would agree. But I'm sure, as long as you live your life and make it what you want, you'll do more than fine.


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 14:31:16 UTC
Hmm. You're probably right. After all, we all feel that it's easier to run from things than to face them, and it's only natural to go for the easiest route. Especially since facing up to things leads to the unknown, and so many people fear the unknown ... but that's not good enough anymore. Not for me, anyway. I can't accept just running, when I know there's something I want to accomplish. So ... I have to figure things out.

Solving the meaning of life, huh? Haha, I didn't think I did anything so grand here. Really, I was just trying to sort through things. Maybe get some closure of some sort? Who knows.

Well, and maybe trying to help a couple of people with something ...


wicked_finesse June 11 2007, 02:27:30 UTC
*Sniff* You make us all so proud.

Wouldn't it be more right to solve the meaning of life accidentally, then having to work at it? It shouldn't be so complicated as to be 'grand.' Some of the best thoughts have come from people trying to figure out something completely different.


saynotobadtouch June 11 2007, 04:05:32 UTC
... why does that sound like you're making fun of me?

Hm ... I guess.


only_hitsuzen June 8 2007, 05:43:00 UTC
Oh, Luke....

I am happy to see such a thing from you. It seems you are beginning to understand more than you think. This is just the beginning of a journey I hope goes well for you.

You are welcome. May good luck and fortune find you, always.


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 14:21:08 UTC
Heh. Honestly, I've kind of felt this way for a while, I just never really known how to say it. But, talking with a few people here helped me figure it out. Talking with them, wanting to help them ... I want to help them to realize just how important they are, and how much they deserve. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, I want to at least try. And ... maybe seeing this could do that for them.

Thank you, Yuuko. For your well-wishes, and for helping me understand at least a bit of what I need to do to achieve what I want to.


only_hitsuzen June 8 2007, 22:06:16 UTC
Indeed and that's what makes you YOU, Luke. No matter what any else may say, having dreams and feelings and objectives and relationships with others.... It makes you unlike anyone else. It is sad that so many do not understand this yet. I hope your inspiring words and kindness to those in need will help them find their way.

Ah, but I say... That I really didn't do much of that~! But you are welcome just the same~ ♥


rosegeneral June 8 2007, 05:43:06 UTC
How unlike you to be thinking so hard, replica. Of course there is that possiblilty. Fonons are limited here, as I found out with my earlier experiement. There would be enough to sustain you, but for how long... Hahahahahaha! I cannot say~


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 05:45:29 UTC
Jade already explained to me that I don't need them to sustain me. Actually, the way he said it, having the Seventh Fonon around is possibly worse for me than not having it, because Seventh Fonons try to return to each other so much.

That said ... there's a hell of a lot more of them here than you'd think. Now that I've started really feeling for it, I can kind of feel just how much there really is.


rosegeneral June 8 2007, 05:55:45 UTC
That would make sense, but considering Jade said it, it's probably a fact now...

You better hope that's true, replica. It may be the end of you otherwise.


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 06:01:37 UTC
Mm. He has that eerie way of doing that.

As I said, I'd be better off if there weren't any Seventh Fonons to pull away at me. The way Jade said it ... ... ... no. I ... don't really want to think of that right now.


zelostheangel June 8 2007, 05:47:12 UTC

No matter what, I still believe in you! There is meaning in life, and I know you know it! You sound just like someone I knew and respected, so don't you even think that something bad might happen. I won't let you! Your life has purpose, and I want to see you fufill it.

We'll move forward together, Luke.


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 14:16:44 UTC
Zelos ... I ...

Thank you. I look forward to it. Advancing with you.


zelostheangel June 8 2007, 17:32:17 UTC
Yeah~ And... I'll try not to hold you back too much...


saynotobadtouch June 8 2007, 17:37:58 UTC
You wouldn't hold me back.

We're going to do this together. We'll help each other with it. I promise, I won't let you down.


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