.: Skills Competition | Listing of Matches

Mar 29, 2007 13:07

Another placeholder for now.

The following is a listing of the matches that will occur in Econtra's Skills Competition. At the moment, this is not the actual listing, but, rather, a setup for the tables so that I can figure out what we're working with. All matches will be determined through dice rolls for the sake of fairness.

Econtra: Solo Matches (1 vs 1) Character 1versusCharacter 2 Viewtiful Joe (OU)
  henshin_a_go_go vs Yagami Light (AU)
  fading_raito MOMO (OU)
  pechepeachgirl vs Peppita Rosetti (OU)
  pinkacrobat Yazoo (OU)
  silvercalamity vs Yami no Yuugi (AU)
  queenofgames Albel Nox (AU)
  shining_nox vs Wolfram von Beilefeld (OU)
  jealous_bishie Schuldig (OU)
  wicked_finesse vs Kadaj (OU)
  silversouba Jing (OU)
  thieveryofstars vs Youko Kurama (OU)
  demonthiefking Ishida Yamato (AU)
  darkfriendship vs Daemon Sadi (OU)
  blackjeweled Mesprit (OU)
  emuritto vs Antiform Sora (OU)
  darknessofsora Etna (OU)
  prinny_queen vs Roxas (OU)
  fromthedusk Kinomoto Sakura (AU)
  scarredmistress vs Mint (OU)
  mint_pwns_you Ashton Anchors (AU)
  unlucky_barrel vs Luke fon Fabre (AU)
  saynotobadtouch Alema Rar (OU)
  crazybugslut vs Sora (OU)
  twilightshero Azula (OU)
  lady_azula vs Isis Ishtar (AU)
  oracle_of_egypt Zelos Wilder (AU)
  zelostheangel vs Axel (AU)
  psychoaxel Xiao (OU)
  xiao_kitty vs Okami Amaterasu (AU)
  x_sungoddess_x Sonsaku Hakufu (AU)
  fighting_femme vs Anise Tatlin (OU)
  gimmeyourgald Jr. (OU)
  angelicrequiem vs Zelgadiss Greywords (OU)
  onlysanechimera Hyuuga Neji (OU)
  rokujuuyon_shou vs Achmed the Snake (OU)
  assassin_king General Iroh (OU)
  dragonofthetea vs Edward Elric (OU)
  whoneeds_milk Naminé (AU)
  sketchedpower vs Yami no Bakura (AU)
  nofairtrial Tifa Lockheart (OU)
  argent_teardrop vs Mewtwo (OU)
  soldiermewtwo Dante Sparda (OU)
  detective_merc vs Manjyome Jun (OU)
  lux_ac_tenebra Kinomoto Sakura (OU)
  originofwood vs Shinon (OU)
  featheredarrow Colette Brunel (OU)
  clumsyangel vs Aisha Clanclan (AU)
  outlaw_ctarlx2 Laharl (OU)
  makai_no_mau vs Reno (OU)
  turkonfire Li Shun-Sheng (AU)
  bk201 vs Syaoran Li (OU)

Econtra: Solo Matches (1 vs 1 vs 1) Character 1 vs Character 2 vs Character 3 Schuldig (OU)
  wicked_finesse vs Luke fon Fabre (AU)
  saynotobadtouch vs Zelos Wilder (AU)
  zelostheangel Colette Brunel (OU)
  clumsyangel vs MOMO (OU)
  pechepeachgirl vs Albel Nox (AU)
  shining_nox Mesprit (OU)
  emuritto vs Yazoo (OU)
  silvercalamity vs Ishida Yamato (AU)
  darkfriendship Isis Ishtar (AU)
  oracle_of_egypt vs Kinomoto Sakura (AU)
  scarredmistress vs Roxas (OU)
  fromthedusk Yagami Light (AU)
  fading_raito vs Peppita Rosetti (OU)
  pink_acrobat vs Mewtwo (OU)
  soldiermewtwo Wolfram von Bielefeld (OU)
  jealous_bishie vs Xiao (OU)
  xiao_kitty vs Manjyome Jun (OU)
  lux_ac_tenebra Hyuuga Neji (OU)
  rokujuuyon_shou vs Etna (OU)
  prinny_queen vs Zelgadiss Greywords (OU)
  onlysanechimera Tifa Lockheart (OU)
  argent_teardrop vs Sora (OU)
  twilightshero vs Dante Sparda (OU)
  detective_merc Sonsaku Hakufu (AU)
  fighting_femme vs Reno (OU)
  turkonfire vs Axel (AU)
  psychoaxel Edward Elric (OU)
  whoneeds_milk vs Jr. (OU)
  angelicrequiem vs Laharl (OU)
  makai_no_maou Mint (OU)
  mint_pwns_you vs Jing (OU)
  thieveryofstars vs Yami no Bakura (AU)
  nofairtrial Youko Kurama (OU)
  demonthiefking vs Kadaj (OU)
  silversouba vs Daemon Sadi (OU)
  blackjeweled Naminé (AU)
  sketchedpower vs Alema Rar (OU)
  crazybugslut vs Shinon (OU)
  feathered_arrow Syaoran Li (OU)
  feather_seeker vs General Iroh (OU)
  dragonofthetea vs Antiform Sora (OU)
  darknessofsora Li Shun-Sheng (AU)
  bk201 vs Kinomoto Sakura (OU)
  originofwood vs Yami no Yuugi (AU)
  queenofgames Ashton Anchors (OU)
  unlucky_barrel vs Okami Amaterasu (AU)
  x_sungoddess_x vs Azula (OU)
  lady_azula Viewtiful Joe (OU)
  henshin_a_go_go vs Achmed the Snake (OU)
  assassin_king vs Aisha Clanclan (AU)

Econtra: Group Matches (4 vs 4) Group 1versusGroup 2 1. Alema Rar (OU)
2. Azula (OU)
3. Dist the Rose (OU)
4. Peppita Rosetti (OU)
    (pink_acrobat) vs 1. Hyuuga Neji (OU)
2. Luke fon Fabre (AU)
3. Shindou Hikaru (OU)
4. Yazoo (OU)
    (silvercalamity) 1. Raine Sage (OU)
2. Reno (OU)
3. Xiao (OU)
4. Yami no Bakura (AU)
    (nofairtrial) vs 1. Ash Ketchum (OU)
2. Kadaj (OU)
3. Tifa Lockheart (OU)
4. Zelgadiss Greywords (OU)
    (onlysanechimera) 1. General Iroh (OU)
2. Syaoran Li (OU)
3. Viewtiful Joe (OU)
4. Yagami Light (AU)
    (fading_raito) vs 1. Axel (AU)
2. Gaz Membrane (OU)
3. Jade Curtiss (OU)
4. MOMO (OU)
    (pechepeachgirl) 1. Albel Nox (AU)
2. Edward Elric (OU)
3. Juliet Capulet (OU)
4. Schuldig (OU)
    (wicked_finesse) vs 1. Isis Ishtar (AU)
2. Kinomoto Sakura (OU)
3. Mint (OU)
4. Naminé (AU)
    (sketchedpower) 1. Anise Tatlin (OU)
2. Ashton Anchors (AU)
3. Li Shun-Sheng (AU)
4. Yami no Yuugi(AU)
    (queenofgames) vs 1. Colette Brunel (OU)
2. Daemon Sadi (OU)
3. Kinomoto Sakura (AU)
4. Sora (OU)
    (twilightshero) 1. Genis Sage (AU)
2. Jing (OU)
3. Roxas (OU)
4. Zelos Wilder(AU)
    (zelostheangel) vs 1. Achmed the Snake (OU)
2. Dante Sparda (OU)
3. Laharl (OU)
4. Mesprit (OU)

Please make sure there is communication for these matches. Groups, in particular, will need to really look into how they're working things out, both the within your own team for how your characters fight and with your opponents for generally working out how the match will go.


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