.: Skills Competition | Group Listings

Mar 29, 2007 12:26

Just a placeholder post for now.

The following is a listing of the groups for Econtra's Skills Competition group exhibition matches. Groups are selected via dice rolls, four characters per team. At present, groups have not been selected; the listings here are just a placeholder for me, so that I could get the table set up

Econtra: Skills Competition Group Listing Group 1Group 2Group 3 1. Genis Sage (AU)
2. Jing (OU)
3. Roxas (OU)
4. Zelos Wilder(AU)
    (zelostheangel) 1. Isis Ishtar (AU)
2. Kinomoto Sakura (OU)
3. Mint (OU)
4. Naminé (AU)
    (sketchedpower) 1. Hyuuga Neji (OU)
2. Luke fon Fabre (AU)
3. Shindou Hikaru (OU)
4. Yazoo (OU)
    (silvercalamity) Group 4Group 5Group 6 1. Albel Nox (AU)
2. Edward Elric (OU)
3. Juliet Capulet (OU)
4. Schuldig (OU)
    (wicked_finesse) 1. Ash Ketchum (OU)
2. Kadaj (OU)
3. Tifa Lockheart (OU)
4. Zelgadiss Greywords (OU)
    (onlysanechimera) 1. Axel (AU)
2. Gaz Membrane (OU)
3. Jade Curtiss (OU)
4. MOMO (OU)
    (pechepeachgirl) Group 7Group 8Group 9 1. Anise Tatlin (OU)
2. Ashton Anchors (AU)
3. Li Shun-Sheng (AU)
4. Yami no Yuugi(AU)
    (queenofgames) 1. General Iroh (OU)
2. Syaoran Li (OU)
3. Viewtiful Joe (OU)
4. Yagami Light (AU)
    (fading_raito) 1. Achmed the Snake (OU)
2. Dante Sparda (OU)
3. Laharl (OU)
4. Mesprit (OU)
    (emuritto) Group 10Group 11Group 12 1. Raine Sage (OU)
2. Reno (OU)
3. Xiao (OU)
4. Yami no Bakura (AU)
    (nofairtrial) 1. Alema Rar (OU)
2. Azula (OU)
3. Dist the Rose (OU)
4. Peppita Rosetti (OU)
    (pink_acrobat) 1. Colette Brunel (OU)
2. Daemon Sadi (OU)
3. Kinomoto Sakura (AU)
4. Sora (OU)

Groups will participate in set matches against one another during the exhibition matches.


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