(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 18:19

I Love when women come in to my work carrying these.

And, the fact that some of them have just two random letters that doesnt make sense isnt embarassing enough to not carry it?
Urgh, *spits*
I finished my book, altohugh i did buy a lot of good little books today by Frued and things.

Work has been cock as usual, although Melinda is still away which is something to be happy about.

My mother keeps worrying about me for i don't know what reason.

I've been waking up every morning for like the past week with the sorest throat in history.
I only know one person who screams in his sleep, so that's not it. (♥)

I've had a headache for days. But i'm uuused to thooose.

I still have to pay guild fees :|
I still have to pay for my textbooks :|
I still...

I did see Maree on saturday night, it was only briefly, but she is a friend Cody and I met.
She is a Wiccan, Dominatrix Prostitute who is about four feet taller than me and she always smells of Musk,
she's great fun, and when you hug her you always get lost in the leather jacket she's wearing.

EVERYONE i know at the moment is sick.
I Fucking hate the Ekka, and even the thought of ANYONE going annoys me to death.
no one wants to see the midday wood-chop, fuck you.

Sam annoyed me at work today.

My heart was the worst it ever hurt on saturday night but i got to see Kenda and Louise which tootally made up for it. and hahahahaha...
(this is funny)
There's an important...Manage..Floor-Manager..Head Bouncer guy? who wears a tie and shirt and it authorative at the beat...and he bought me a drink.
[It's only cause i gave him subclub cards, but it was totally worth it]

That's all, apart from that and seeing Land of the Dead, which is Super-Average i think.
My mouth is dry.
I think John is gurumpy at me, though i don't know why.

And...that is end?
i love you too :)
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