back from fishing..

Apr 19, 2007 08:23

lol.. i saw my first mirror carp yesterday.. richie pulled it in, an it only weighed 15lb....

whisper came along wiv us and can i say until i chop his balls off(not my personally... what do u think i am....beastiality??sorry guys not my thing!!! the vet)... he not coming out wiv us again...he heard something like a hawk and cowered in the tent for the rest of the day.. and whist i thought he was being affectionate.... he was secretly plotting all day that he was gonna make an escape into darkness when it was night fall.. and richie was concentrating on the lake.. and i had to find a bush......( yep.. me go to the loo in a bush..... i've finally learnt that way of proud of me eve!.. it she reads this on taz's lj..) whisper snuck off into the brambles.... and after an hour of calling him...finally he struts out into the long grass form anther place completly..i have learnt a valuable thing here... never let a cat out with a full stomach... food is the way to whispers heart SOD ME!!! its food he likes... and don't worry we put him in the van all night so he's learnt his lesson to!

after two nights and three days of not having a shower or bath. i was feeling really rough and before we could bath it took us five people and four hours to track down henry the 8th. it's cool.. this is getting me smashed! i have to tidy up.. sort out next weeks fishing stuff and print off some more cv.s i want to get a job really badly now..

the other reason i felt rough was i had previously had a talk wiv my mum... (re y i want that picture of the cup of shut the **** up taz..) she's gonna go ahed and sell my car.. MY CAR.. MY corsa.... they only goodness that'll come outta it is that i will be gatting the total ofater they've taken out the outstanding of what i owe them... so i'm feeling in a good mood.. and a god damn productive one....

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