Hello Strangers

May 20, 2009 02:14

So yet again i have the internet. don't know where to start. Lonny broke up with me and a few weeks later he got engaged to the girl who introduced me to him 4 years ago (amanda) . he had told me he was in love with her too about a year and a half ago, but i didnt think he had a chance. and who am i to say they cant go bike riding or go to coffee together when im at work? she is the one responsible for introducing him to me and im not one to be the controlling girlfriend, although maybe i should have been. it has been 8 months since then and i still am in love with him. sigh. i dream about him almost every night (most of the time of me ruining thier wedding evil huh) I still feel so bitter and betrayed. nasty side effect of being betrayed. I asked him if he had cheated on me he said "no but towards the end it was really hard not to" ouch. he is getting married next month and he still wants to be friends.
My boyfriend Andrew and i have lived together since december. It's interesting. We are not in love, i possibly could be but i refuse to fall first because i will not be the only one in love again. We both have some pretty difficult problems together im still trying to decide how much its worth it. He does really like me and i him.... but there are some things we cannot compromise on. different goals, and priorities, even religious beliefs. most of the time we get along though.
Had one of my friends from salt lake come up here the other day to hang it was so nice to see some old friends. i miss you all so much! i get lonely in utah county sometimes. Especially because i still work at stouffers and work is slow so anytime they ask who wants to go home i jump at the chance and my pocketbook has run overdry now. lol it's my fault for having no will power. esp because both my ex and my boyfriend and his ex work there. sigh. that makes it hard sometimes
Im on wow anyone else there?
Ill end with a quote

Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low. --Henry Ward Beecher
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