I told my dad that I'm considering continuing working at Kinokuniya in the Merchandising Department full-time after I finished my Masters, and instead of a show of support (my aunts were excited for me when I told them, thinking that it's the perfect job for me), my dad said, "Yes, but can they pay you befitting your MA level? If you work in a
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EMMA: But provide what exactly? The understanding that money is the most important thing? Or the idea that the only live worth living is one you’re truly passionate about, Will.
- Glee
Every time I think about the passion vs. money thing I think of Glee, and Glee wins. Actually one of the reasons I asked for the MDS job was because my dad was making noises too, about my pay. (>_>) It was fine as a part-time job, but can I really live on that pay as a full timer? <- that kind of thing. So he wanted me to apply for higher paying jobs, or at least go for MDS. I told Kak Husnah that and she asked Kit & Medusa about MDS for me. Although I think my dad shouldn't really talk since he left Petronas to be a lesser-paid teacher at one point (he loves teaching), ha.
Right now I don't know how long I can stay in Kino really, since I've been at Kino for four years and that's a pretty long time to be somewhere, especially for someone who gets restless about doing the same thing for even 1 year like me. But I have a feeling that I'll be okay, even with being at Kino for another four years or so. Because I really am in love with bookselling.
I also don't know how long I will stay at Kino, but for now I realize that I kept coming back despite other options, and maybe I need to give this MDS job a chance. Or else I'll truly regret letting it go.
But of course, I have a year to decide. But for now I'm really looking forward to MDS.
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