Here is the second half of the member crosstalk from the FREESTYLE II artbook, where they revealed Aiba's and Sho's drawings and wrapped up with their thoughts about the exhibit and their attempt at drawing Ohno again after so many years. I also included Ohno's own message to the other members after seeing what they drew as a bonus.
Ohno's interview is hopefully coming soon, though it's going to take a while due to its sheer length. In the meantime, enjoy! (
Here is the link to the first half if you haven't already read it.)
Ohno - FREESTYLE II Member Crosstalk (2/2) + Message to members
---It really is interesting to hear what the process had been like for each of you.
Ninomiya: (to Sakurai, who has grown more and more quiet) ....sensei, you're the last one, right?
Sakurai: Ah, yes, that's right. I just, you know. Started feeling like I shouldn't say anything weird.
Matsumoto: Oh no, please go ahead and speak your mind as much as you want.
Sakurai: No... that's not it. I was fine with MatsuJun's (drawing). (looks conflicted) But with Nino's... it's a bit similar to my own.
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Sakurai: So if I say anything about it... that's a bit, you know.
Ninomiya: Ahaha (laugh). So... shall we move on to Aiba-sensei's drawing, which he did despite being so busy?
Aiba: Alright! I'm really proud of it. I went to town on it, after all (laugh).
Matsumoto: Which means when it comes to how good it is, it should be the best out of the group hands down, right?
Sakurai: Because, like... back in the early days, the two of you used to draw together when you shared rooms with Ohno-san, didn't you?
Aiba: That's right. The two of us drew a pot (hotel furnishing) together when we shared a room.
Ninomiya: So you're pot buddies (laugh). If you'd taken a different step, you could have been the one opening an art exhibit instead, Aiba-san.
Aiba: Yeah... so please take a look with that in mind!
Ninomiya: Oooh. He's very cocky, this one!
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
---Shall I go ahead and reveal this artwork without further delay?
Sakurai: You're not going to comment on it or anything?
Ninomiya: Are you going to talk first? Or show first? Which one?
Aiba: Um... About the finished product... I mean, of course I was looking at Leader's photo as I was drawing it. But when I was done... it turned into this really listless-looking Ohno-san.
Ninomiya: Ahh, in the end? (laugh)
Aiba: Right (laugh). So, just keep that in mind when you're looking at it? Picture Ohno-san on one of his listless days in your head.
Matsumoto: So that means... if my drawing is of a bloated Ohno-san, yours is Ohno-san on one of his blah days.
Aiba: That's right, it turned into Ohno-san on one of his blah days.
---And now, here comes the reveal. This is Aiba-san's artwork!
Others: (takes a look and snorts) Aha, hahaha. Hahahaha.
Sakurai: T-t-t-that's scary!
Aiba: (laugh) Just a bit... right?
Matsumoto: He's got dead eyes...?
Ninomiya: This isn't even about having energy anymore, he has no life...
Sakurai: Erm... this isn't a death mask, is it?
Aiba: Bahahaha! No no, I was being serious when I was drawing this, seriously!
Ninomiya: Let's pull back a little and take another look. I want to see how it'd look if it was hung on a wall.
(※ At this, they admired the art from a short distance.)
Sakurai: When did you notice that it looked like a listless Ohno-san?
Aiba: Well... I never looked at this like this before (with the art upright and having an overhead view) until I was finished with it. Then I went, "Alright, I'm done!", put it in a faraway spot, and then I was like... huh?
Ninomiya: Yeah, but... you're supposed to draw it properly, including everything from the neck down.
Matsumoto: Exactly! Weren't you the one who said we should draw him from the neck down too?
Aiba: (gasps) Ah, you're right!
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Aiba: That's... I'm so sorry about that! But I was pretty satisfied with the finishing touches.
Sakurai: And it's true, you know... his hair and what not are reaaally detailed.
Aiba: They're reaaally detailed, right? Because I tried to make it detailed!
Sakurai: Hehehe.... did you draw the first half of his face separately from the second half? Do they feel far apart to you or what?
Aiba: Hahaha! You mean I misjudged the distance?
Matsumoto: I think... the bottom half is a bit stretched out?
Ninomiya: Over here, right? From the eyes to the tip of the nose...
Sakurai: Yeah, exactly!
Aiba: Really? I didn't draw them separately though.
---You really do have a detailed touch.
Ninomiya: Yeah, it's good. It's actually good, see? So I'm thinking... it's probably because Aiba-sensei was projecting his own fatigue onto his drawing?
Sakurai: Ahh, from himself? (laugh) That's interesting. It does happen when you're drawing people, doesn't it.
Aiba: Ahhh~ so it's me? I'm the one who's listless??
Ninomiya: Maybe you were tired at the time, sensei. Your drawings used to have a slightly more intense look in the eyes. It's the first time you've ever drawn something with such dead eyes...
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Ninomiya: But it's pretty good in the end.
Aiba: It was tough, just like I thought... his lips were so difficult.
Matsumoto: I know what you mean.
Aiba: Right? You get it, right?
Ninomiya: He's got thin lips, that one (Ohno).
Aiba: Yup... so it was hard drawing him around the mouth. Anyway, at long last! Should we move on to the master artist's drawing?
Matsumoto: Yeah, I've been waiting forever!
Sakurai: (with mixed feelings) ....well, I'm not entirely sure if you guys remember this or not, but I was actually sought out along with Ohno Satoshi to do a 30 minute show with our drawings. (※ This was a segment from NTV's "G no Arashi!" called "Artist Ohno and Artist Sakurai's Hand-Drawn Concentration Game")
Ninomiya: Oh, that mega popular segment!
Aiba: The late night one! That was from our late night show, wasn't it?
Matsumoto: That thing where you drew things with Ohno-san, right?
Sakurai: It was called the "Hand-drawn concentration game"... no, forget it. It's alright...
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Ninomiya: So what's your theme this time around?
Sakurai: Theme!? Ahh, when you put it that way... it would be "The real deal".
Ninomiya: I see!
Sakurai: Up until now, I've draw all kinds of things on TV: Totoro, Michael Jackson, Mona Lisa...
Aiba: Yeah, you did!
Sakurai: But that was kind of different, no? I wasn't looking at the object I was drawing so they end up with deformities because I was basing them off of my (mental) images, you know?
Matsumoto: Ahhh~ I see. Yes, yes.
Sakurai: This time I actually placed my model (ie. the photograph) next to me so I can draw it... this is the real deal!
Ninomiya: Which is why you "faced it head on", right?
Sakurai: Exactly, I faced it head on!
Ninomiya: Well then... let's take a look!
Sakurai: Ehehehehehehe... (creepy laughter that they've never heard before)
---So... shall I reveal it?
Matsumoto: (double-checking) That means you haven't deformed it, right? It means that it looks "realistic", right?
Sakurai: It's realistic. This is my realism!!
Aiba: Ahaha, so cool!
---(at this point) And now, here it is!
Others: Ahahahahahahaha!
Ninomiya: Ahh... you've improved so much!!
Aiba & Matsumoto: Yup. Wow!
Sakurai: (shyly) I even added my autograph, just in case...
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Ninomiya: Ahh, but seriously... you really have gotten so much better!
Aiba: It's even a bit more good looking (than the actual person)!
Sakurai: H-handsome...!? Ahahahaha!
Ninomiya: Wow. Sho-chan, you can actually draw shirt collars... I'm a little touched.
Matsumoto: (gazing at it the whole time with a grin on his face, looking pleased) It's nicely balanced.
Sakurai: Isn't it? Ahahaha!
---When you consider it in the context of "art", you've really grown by leaps and bounds.
Ninomiya: Yeah, that's exactly it!
Matsumoto: Yup. And really... we all have our similarities too. Let's put them all side by side for a bit.
Others: Let's do it!
(※ At this, they propped their artworks up and lined them up in a row)
Sakurai: (once again, in regards to Aiba's drawing) It's actually really good, especially around the eyes.
Aiba: But... it's a bit listless-looking (laugh).
Sakurai: As for mine... the shirt really does look similar to Nino's
Ninomiya: It does. I had a ton of difficulty with that, after all.
Sakurai: Right, wasn't it tough?
---Wow... (touched) The growth you went through these past 7 years has been phenomenal.
Ninomiya: Which just means we weren't mature enough 7 years ago, doesn't it?
Sakurai: We were a bit reserved back then. (murmurs) And it's with the addition of Ohno Satoshi that these four random people become Arashi.
(※ At this, they inserted Ohno's photograph between the four drawings)
Everyone:: (immediate burst of laughter) AHAHAHA!
Matsumoto: Ahhh~ I hope they'll line them up like this!
Sakurai: It looks great, really great!
---Once again, I'd like to ask you all this question. What was it like to put serious effort into drawing something?
Ninomiya: It's bigger this time around when we're taking size-wise, but... I definitely thought it would be simpler if we draw them smaller.
---That is true. Last time, we asked you guys to use sketchbooks that were A4 in size.
Ninomiya: That's right. Tackling something of this size (A3) is really... it shows that these 7 years weren't a waste for us either. Especially since bigger drawings are more difficult to do in my opinion.
Sakurai: Yeah. Well, erm... I'm no expert? I'm no expert, but after giving this a shot for real myself, I'm starting to understand a bit more as to why Ohno-san chose drawing as his hobby.
Sakurai: Well... you really have to concentrate, don't you? You go into a zen-like state... (once he says this, he laughs) Ahaha! "Zen-like"... Um, it's really embarrassing for me to be talking like this!
Everyone:: (bursts out laughing)
Ninomiya: No, it's better to talk about it. For sure.
Sakurai: Um... well, you really do go into a zen-like state while you're drawing, you know what I mean? Yeah... (shyly, yet seriously) It's not about whether it's fun or not fun. That's the only thing you've got in front of you. I'm sure the same goes for things like fishing too. I kinda... I'm somewhat starting to understand what that guy likes to do.
Ninomiya: That's true, they're all things that don't "react". They're objects.
Sakurai: Yeah, exactly. And all you're really doing is facing off with that... I mean with Nino's hobby (points at his gaming console), you get so much reaction from that, don't you?
Ninomiya: Yeah, all the stuff I do produce reactions. Like card tricks and stuff, it incites reactions from the people I do them for. (and he once again looks at the four drawings) Maaan~ they look good!
Matsumoto: They turned out so different.
Ninomiya: Right? But Aiba-san's is definitely good, even though it was funny when we looked at it on its own (laugh). When you look at it with the others, it really stands out. He's on a different level from us for sure, just Aiba-san alone.
Aiba: Oooh! I'm at the next stage up? (laugh)
Sakurai: Yeah, it's really true.
Matsumoto: This lineup is very nice.
Ninomiya: It really is. And it was fun to see the four of them lined up together too.
Sakurai: Maaan~ it's neat!
Aiba: That's good. I'm kind of relieved.
Matsumoto: Not bad.
---I'm sure Ohno-san will be extremely happy when he sees all your artwork.
Ninomiya: I'm sure Ohno-san had the same feeling last time, where it felt more like he was just displaying everything he'd done up until that point. This time, there's actually a proper basis of "opening a exhibit during this period of time" and on top of that, he was creating pieces specifically for it.
Matsumoto: In a way, yeah. The circumstances were different last time.
Ninomiya: Yup. To be creating things for the purpose of an exhibit this time... I'm sure he himself is pretty shocked.
Matsumoto: We're looking forward to it, aren't we? We've seen him draw the t-shirt design for "24 Hour Television", and the paint decal on JAL planes a while ago... even before this point in time, we'd ask him every so often about what he was working on. So we'd hear things from him about whatever he's drawing at the moment, which also included things from the exhibit. Even though he's drawing as a hobby, he's also making a living off it as a part of his work... that's what I think is different from last time. I really can't wait for the exhibit when I think about the fact that I'll be able to see that difference this time around. It's like, how has Ohno Satoshi changed as an artist over these past 7 years? And also... when it comes to my own drawing, I don't care if they don't even put it up, I just want Leader to have a look at it... that's how I feel.
Ninomiya: Because this is our way of congratulating him.
Matsumoto: Right. It's not like we usually draw a lot. Even though it's bad... we probably haven't drawn anything else since those drawings of ours that were printed in the artbook last time.
Ninomiya: You're right.
Sakurai: That's true.
---These pieces of art that were the result of serious effort made in drawing by all of you... by all means, please don't just show them to Ohno-san, Let the readers see them as well. I think it will serve as a source of motivation to those who purchase this book.
Matsumoto: Eh? With our drawings!? No way, that would never happen (laugh).
Aiba: Would they actually serve as motivation...?
---They will. After all, the fact that people who don't normally draw to begin with have gathered courage to tackle this challenge head on alone would serve as motivation, don't you think? It's also wonderful to see you simply enjoying it by your own standards rather than put a lot emphasis on what it should be as "art". I feel like people will feel encouraged by that, like... "Well, maybe I'll give something a try too".
Sakurai: Ahh... Then I guess we'll use that as our words of congratulations to him, because no words can really surpass what we've already put into our drawings.
Matsumoto: That's true. Which means we're not talking with words here.
Sakurai: Yeah. We're not even talking anymore (laugh).
Ninomiya: But you know, it's nice to do this seriously. So... we'd like everyone to give something a serious shot too, I guess. Because we too have put in this much effort. Right?!
Aiba: It was fun to do the same ourselves. We're going to get to see everything Leader has created over these 7 years... we're really looking forward to it too., although I do feel bad about participating like this... (wry laugh). But I definitely plan on going to the exhibit.
Everyone:: Yeah, hopefully we can all go together.
To other members:
Oh, man... this is amazing. I'm seriously so touched. I can't help but imagine how you guys looked while drawing these... I'm sure you all tried so hard to draw these for me. I really get that sense from them. I'm sure the fans will be surprised too, don't you think? That the other members can draw like this too... I don't think anyone could have imagined that. They'll definitely compare these with the ones from 7 years back, right? Of course, you also got your feelings across at the time. But man... it's incredible how much you've changed in 7 years. It's so interesting. When you guys told me that you're going to draw something this time around too, I was already happy to begin with. You're all so busy... but you made time for it, right? The fact that you worked hard to draw these for me... it really is incredible. I'm thankful. I can't think of anything to say besides "I'm so happy" and "Thank you". If I'm having a drink while looking at these... I'll probably end up crying (laugh). I'm going to take good care in putting these up at the exhibit venue! Seriously, thank you!!