school and such

Sep 09, 2004 15:07

You know, I never know what to put in the subject line... ever. Which means that I should probably do my homework right now, because for my AP English homework, we're finding the subject of things and whatnot. But, I don't really feel like doing my homework right this minute, and probably won't feel like doing it for the next 60 consecutive minutes or so. And that's okay by me. See, I justify writing in this by saying... uh... that it... gives me writing practice?... and, uh, helps me clear my head of all the smurfs who reside there. Exactly. See, I emphasized my point by putting a short sentence after a really long one! And that's something I learned from AP English today! Which means that I rock, really, and that I'm capable of doing something slightly productive, as shown from my class rank, which has, in fact, gone down. I used to be 8th, but as of the end of last year, I'm 14th. Im' behind people who are capable of doing honors class level work, but take A level classes instead so that they can have a better GPA. It makes me sad. I'm gonna work really hard this year, though, and get back into the top 10! Not that Berklee's gonna care, they'll just be like, "Hey, you're smart, but your audition was crap," and I'll be like, "Okay, then I'm going to go cry now," and they'll say, "No, don't cry, but we still don't want you," and I'll say, "Fine," and I'll go off and I'll solve the mystery of why the first settlers of Roanoke Island near Virginia disappeared, not because I'm good at history, but because if I solve it, I'll get a lot of money, and I'll say, "Hey, Berklee, check it out, I've got money and you guys don't," and they'll say, "But we're starving artists!" and I'll say, "But you made me sad and cry and such," and then they'll apologize, and send me flowers. But I won't want the flowers. I'll want to go and solve more mysteries, and then I'll be world-famous and whatnot, and people will love me, and I'll play at little jazz clubs at night, and those people will be like, "Wow, she really sucks." And that will be that. But I'm going to get into the top 10 anyway. You'd probably forgotten where that tangent had gotten started from, anyway. So, moving on, I'll tell you about all my classes, because you generally care about that and whatnot. I have health for first period. Yay, health. It didn't fit into my schedule as a freshman or sophomore, so I'm taking it now, and I'm the only junior in my class. Everybody else (except one sophomore) is a freshman. Yay, freshmen. Health is a really boring class, and the teacher isn't exactly good, either. I think I'll just go to my guidance counselor and be like, "I won't do drugs, I won't drink, I won't drink or drive, seeing as I already said I wouldn't drink and I'm still too young to even take driver's ed, and I won't go and screw people and get diseased and pregnant. Now get me out of that class!" Because the main point of the class is 'Don't do drugs, because they are bad for you' and everybody knows that, but everybody still has to take the class. I have stage band next period, and that's fun, except when he plays music the whole period and we don't get to play anything except one song that he thinks he might want to work on. After that, I have AP English, which is two flights of stairs and a hallway away from stage band, so I'm going to be late every day. Bleah. We did stuff in AP English today, but I already told you about that, so if you want to know and you weren't paying attention before, go back and read the beginning of this entry. After that I have Spanish 3A, with Sr. Collupy. Who is a better teacher than Ms. Myslowski (she doesn't deserve to have her title listed in Spanish), but he still can't pronounce Spanish words. Then I have Honors Precalculus, which I know will kill me later in the year, but the teacher's really nice. Then lunch with Kelly and Carli! YAYYYY! After lunch I have US History (I have an awesome teacher, so I don't mind taking history) and then band, where the drum majors are expected to step up and take a leadership role, if only Bastien would let us. Bleah. So, I went to see Coach Ware, and she gave me a t-shirt that she gave all of last year's softball team, and she said that she sent me an e-mail... so I'll post the e-mail, because I think it's awesome (not to brag, but it was nifty).
Hi Jess,
I hear you are doing a great job with the band. I have some info about summer sb teams. The Hornets out of Bedford at conducting tryouts Sept 25. If you are interested let me know.

I want to say that you I am very proud of you! You had a great sb season! You did an awesome job behind the plate, catching and calling the game. You are probably the best catcher in Class L.
Dave will be having work outs in the evenings beginning in June. I will let you and the other captains know so you guys can get in touch with the others. Have a great fall!!!

coach ware

I think it's nifty. Okay, so I have approximately nothing else to say, so I'm gonna run my own contest. Not that anybody wins a prize or that this counts for anything whatsoever, but I'm gonna do it anyway! Post a comment telling me (by putting the subject line of the entry next to the appropriate letter) which of my entries was A) the funniest, B) the dumbest, C) the one that took you longest to read, and D) the best overall. Yay! Thank you for voting! And remember to brush!
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