Aug 21, 2004 18:16
Dude, I haven't written in this in like 2 weeks. You guys must all be devastated, I know, what with no new entries and all, so you skim the old ones for deep, hidden meaning and you find that there is none and that there is really no point to life on this planet so you go and get a puppy and tell it your deepest, darkest secrets before realizing that the puppy doesn't care, mostly because it can't understand you, so you go and decide to be a hermit (see my last entry for a complete guide to being a hermit, ruling Atlantis, etc.). Sorry to do that to you all! So come out of hermitdom and hear what I have to say, which will be relatively unimportant, and that's a promise! Which would make me a good presidential candidate, because I would follow through on such a promise especially because I said that I promise, and usually what would follow is a pinkie-swear where no crosses count, but we're online so we can't do that. I think presidential candidates would be a lot more reliable if they would just make a pinkie-swear where no crosses count with the american people. Then if they broke a promise, the american people would tell them that they can't play on the swings anymore, and maybe not the slide, either. And then the president-elects would be sad. Enough about that, back to what people pretend to care about - my life! First order of business... I got a kitten! It's so cute and fuzzy and cuddly and little and mischievous and I love it! His name is Hobbes, because he's a male tiger cat, and so Hobbes seems to be an appropriate name. He plays with his own tail, pieces of paper, people's toes, and other things that kittens like to play with. He's so cuuuuuuute! He's not ready to sleep with people yet, so we keep him in the bathroom to sleep, but when he's ready, I'm taking him with me! My brother doesn't get to have him! My kitty! Ahhhhh.... anyway, this past week was the week of band camp (no, I don't play flute, so no jokes about that, :P), and I'm the Jr. Drum Major! Rock on! Shaunalynn (Sr. DM) and I rock people's socks. We rock their socks... your face! Hahahaaaa, quotes from band camp... okay, enough of that. We made a video (BAND CAMP: THE DRUM MAJOR'S PERSPECTIVE [my nifty title, probably not the actual title]) and it's a pretty sweet video. There's a lot of footage of car rides, because she picked me up every morning and so we taped our ride to the place where we had breakfast (TJ's Bagel and Eatery) and to the school. There's also a lot of tape of people dancing, becuase every morning, we put on a power CD that Shaunalynn made, which included songs like 'My Sherona' and some stuff by Queen and other nifty songs. We managed to learn the whole halftime show at band camp this year, which is pretty cool, but not quite so important as other things. But, Bastien (our music director) wanted it done, and Jill (the Nazi who writes our field show) said it had to be done. I won't vent about things here, as you probably would get very fed up with it very quickly, and then you wouldn't be hungry for dinner (hahahaa! Fed up? Not hungry? Ahahahaa - sorry, that was pretty bad. But, I didn't promise to write about things of actual interest, did I? No! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!) IT was Shaunalynn's birthday on Monday of band camp, and our show's theme this year is the Muppets, so I got her a shirt with Oscar the Grouch on it. For some reason unbeknownst to me, our show also incorporates some Sesame Street music. You know, I don't know why they named the show Sesame Street. The TV show, not our halftime show, I mean. You'd think they would have named it to have something to do with large puppets or being friends or learning stuff or something, but, no, they named it after the little things that you find on burgers from Burger King. Not McDonald's burgers, though. McDonald's burgers have plain buns, as opposed to the superior buns you find at Burger King. BK's fries are also better, 'cause they're not as greasy and floppy. Oh foul, floppy french fries, why do you torment me so? You do claim to be "lovin' it", when, in fact of truth, you make me hate it! You are the bane of my existence, my wretched temptor when it is the time of the month when I am powerless to resist all things salty, fatty, or chocolatey! Your salty goodness, however gratifying at the time of consumption, comes back to haunt me in the form of soft thighs and increasingly rounded hips! Oh, wretch, wretch, wretch, I curse it all! The saltiness, the greasiness, the floppiness! However horrible you prove yourself to be, I cannot break myself from the ties which bind me to you, oh rectangular floppy potato sections! Okay, not exactly Shakespearian, but cool enough to make me want to try to talk normally now. I can't promise that I can be normal(-ish) now, but I still won't say anything that would be interesting to you in the least. Anywho, (yes, anywho) I've got a great idea for a picture that I want to draw, but I'll need Spam's help on it because I'm confused about angles and such, but I've got the general idea. Not telling what it is, though, 'cause no one gets to know or see it 'til it's done! And then, only if I figure out how to post it. And I may not even get to post it, because the person who I'm drawing it for might want to keep it oor something, and then I wouldn't get to scan it and try to beat my computer into submission until it shows you my pretty picture. Then again, beating my computer might not be the most productive of all my ideas, 'cause then things really won't work right, but it wouldn't make a lot of a difference to me, because I can only use (sometimes successfully) Word, Paint, MyIE2, Finale 2004, Hearts, and Minesweeper. Ahhh, Minesweeper. I was getting times that were pretty quick, but not as quick as they should be and then I realized that if I didn't try to right-click where all the mines are, it takes a lot less time! I consider myself a genius on those grounds. Therefore, I should win a Nobel Prize of some sort (preferably a sticker, or maybe a shiny new pen) and then I could make lots of money and have lots and lots of new kittens! And they'd be really cute and fuzzy! And then I'd stick my sticker on my bedroom door with all of my other stickers, but this sticker would have a very special place, as it is a very special sticker. And then everyone who walked down the hallway in my house would see my sticker, and they'd say, "Hey! A nifty sticker!" and I would say, "Yes, because I am a genius! You may bow, or possibly get me a cookie." Mmmm, cookies. I really hope geniuses eat cookies, because if they didn't, what good would it be to be a genius? Not much good, my friends, not much good. Unless, they ate donuts instead, and I think I'd be okay with that. Yeah, but I think I'd have cookie-flavored donuts once in a while for variety, and all my genius friends would say, "Wherever did you get such an idea? Such brilliance!" and I would reply, "It came from the depths of my mind, plus help from my taste buds. This is because I am not your ordinary genius," and I would leave it at that, leaving that profound statement with them so that they may ponder the complexity of it for years to come. Hm, I'm kinda sleepy, and I think that this post is of sufficent length. So, I have to go, because they're after me lucky charms!