9/11/01: I think that Jillian and I might have been the first students at NAI to find out. We were in French class, in ninth grade. The class had divided into pairs and were sent on a scavenger hunt of sorts - learning how to follow directions like 'droite' and 'gauche'. Jillian and I happened upon a bunch of teachers standing in the hallway outside of the attendance office, watching the TV in the hall. We just stood and watched until someone noticed us and told us to get back to class.
To be perfectly honest, I don't remember how they told the school at large. Announcement system, I guess. I just remember sitting in English class with Daphne and Herbie, watching Mr Kurtz cry as he watched the TV and worried about his daughter working in the city.
I watch this every year, and I still cry.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
September 11, 2001www.thedailyshow.comDaily Show
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