Dear 2022 David,

Dec 31, 2021 18:18

It's the last day of 2022, so it's time for another letter, outlining my expectations for you for 2022! Nothing like a bit of pressure from past you to keep you going, especially in your 40th year!

There's quite a lot to get through this year, but let's start with this one. You've been thinking about ways to honour Sam, and you've chosen to remember him for his bravery, which is something that you feel like you are lacking. So this year, give yourself points for bravery. Every time you don't shy away from a conflict or awkwardness, then give yourself some credit for it. You've earned it!

The biggie in the next couple of years is to get everything ready to be able to move house in two years time. The two main things to make this possible are money, so paying off debts and budgeting to mean we can get the best house we want. But also to get the house looking as amazing and sellable as possible. We have lots of ideas for home improvement so let's crack on with them, shall we?

Don't get so focussed on this though that you start to neglect your family. Katie, Elizabeth, and Zachary, deserve more than that. As do your Wider Family. Find ways to love them, and spoil them. Cherish your old friendships and make new friendships.

Look after yourself too, both physically and mentally. Keep Running, you have a target of a 1:45 half marathon this year. See if you can do it! Try some other non running exercise too, practice healthy eating and decrease that Weight and Waist. Drink plenty of fluids. For your mental health make sure you get enough sleep. Try to do more reading this year - How's 20 books?. Maintain some personal grooming. I'm not asking for miracles, just brush your teeth and keep your hair and beard in check. Anything else can be a bonus. Your mental health would be drastically improved by spending less time on your mobile. Try to do things on a PC instead if possible, so it's focussed time rather than just flicking through the mobile you happen to have with you.

While we're on the topic of personal improvement. Work on your cooking skills, learn more French, practise piano more and continue to excel at work. Continue to practice creativity and have fun!

Work on your spirituality, and I don't just mean Urban Hope although that's certainly part of it. God Life includes prayer time, exploration, getting to know who you are and how you fit in the universe. All big questions to work on.

Clothing Coventry is going to be a big part of your life this year. With Katie doing all the glamourous stuff, but as chair of trustees you're going to have a lot of admin. Try and see it as part of a bigger picture. You and Katie make a great team!

And don't get too bogged down that you neglect the chores, including Car Care. Keeping the house clean would be easier if you can just get the bloody dog to pee outside, and get the kids to help out!

Have a great year!

Past David.

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