removing friends, adding friends

Oct 20, 2006 15:36

So yesterday I removed some friends from this livejournal. I want to make it completely clear that this should in no way be perceived as DRAMA--I don't hate, or even dislike, anyone--well, with the obvious exceptions of Hitler or insert-your-favorite-mass-murderer-here and exs who have abused me. If you are someone I removed, you should know I removed you not out of any dislike, but more because this journal is pretty personal, and I didn't feel like I *knew* you in any significant way--I'd friended you hoping we'd get to know each other better, but you did not post a whole lot in your journal so I didn't really get to know who you were that way, and you also never left comments in my journal, so we didn't get to know each other well that way either.

If you've been remove and you don't want to be, it's completely not the end of the world or anything. Maybe you should just reply to this, letting me know who you are and that you are reading my journal? I do reserve the right not to friend you until I feel like I know you better, but that's the first step in letting me know who you are! ;) You also might want to point me to any posts you've made that really describe who you are, or include a description of yourself. It's just that some things I post here are pretty personal so I'd prefer to know the people reading this journal.

Finally, if you've friended me and I haven't friended you back, it's entirely likely I didn't realize you friended me. So, if you friend me, please comment somewhere in my livejournal letting me know you did that--I don't check who has friended me on a daily basis, so it's entirely possible I'm just not aware you've friended me.

OK, I hope that clarifies things and stops drama from happening.
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