30 Day Fanfic Meme - Day 13

Aug 25, 2011 00:01

Gah. And now everyone can see why I never finish a story. I can't even do a 30 day fanfic meme in 30 days!
  • Do you prefer canon or fanon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?

Definitely fanon, however  I sometimes try to stay pretty canon compliant and work in the grey area around the world as it was written, portrayed or what have you.  An example of such is my ongoing Lucius/Harry fic.  There's nothing in canon that SAYS that those two couldn't have had a torrid affair after the books ended.  *grin*  Even so, there are some general things that show up in fanon that I like to play with sometimes.  An example:  a lot of authors that write Snape fics (at least that I've read) seem to have him not speaking much or at all while in the throes of passion...so when I wrote Silence_is_Golden, I played around with that notion.  I've always been partial to portraying him with a rather dirty mouth in the heat of the moment (c'mon, you so know that a person like him would be cursing, growling and shouting while getting it on), so it was a fun thing to do.

As to the second part of that question, yes, I think it has.  Especially with HP, though my opinion of characters definitely evolved even as I was reading the books - quite seperately from writing fic about them.  I've just started to really reread the books for the first time in a couple of years and I think I'm reading more deeply this time around because of the fanfics that I have both written and read. 

meme, fanfiction

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