O what a day!

Jun 11, 2007 21:50

Go into work this morning, and find out that my old supervisor had been fired! The company got rid of his position. Everyone was shocked. Granted, he was a jerk sometimes, but he should've been offered another position in the company since he had been there so long.

Go home for break, and find out that I have to testify for my friend at her divorce hearing on Wed. I guess her loser, soon to be ex thinks all her premarital stuff is his too, so I have to testify that I gave her said items, or had seen them in her possession before her marriage to him. Jeesh! After work tomorrow, I'll be driving down to spend the night at her place. We have to be in court at 8am on Wed. Bummer I have to waste a vacation day because this buttwipe can't tell the truth. Got everything packed. I'm not doing too bad right now, but I'm sure I'll be a bundle of nerves come Tuesday night.

Enough for tonight.
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