Been a long time

Feb 04, 2007 21:08


Been quite a while since I posted anything on here.

What's been new in my life? Mostly working. Worked twelve hours on Friday, then eight and a half on Saturday. Supposed to work twelve hours Monday. That sucks. What sucks more is I have a new, and weird co-worker. I can't warm up to the guy, no matter how hard I try. Keep hoping he goes the way of the other jerk I worked with, and he decides he doesn't want to work, and quit. This guy is new, and expects everything to go the way 'he' wants it. We have to listen to the crap music he wants, though what he plays is against company policy...and no, management does nothing. I had a great co-worker, but they wouldn't hire him because he had a felony on his record that was commited over ten years ago. Kept him only as a temp, so he found another job. My opinions go on deaf ears. I'm told he has to get better. Okay, I keep telling the guy he has to go faster, speed is a must in this job. He moves slower than Slowpoke Gonzales. I'm no speed demon myself, but I blow him away without even trying.


Well with my work schedule, writing is about non-existent. Yes, I'm wasting time on this, but I figure I should check in from time to time.

One of these days I'll work more on my LXG stories.

Better go. Time for bed.
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