Feels Like HomeAuthor:
fallenmelodyPairing: Sawyer/Kate
Word count & Rating: 108 words, G
Disclaimer: Everything is property of the creators/writers of Lost and ABC, not me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Written for
lost_in_108's 25th challenge, "Return." Some season six spoilers.
Summary: There were too many days when Kate would wake up in the middle of the night with the taste of fish biscuits on her tongue and the scent of smoke in her nostrils.
Let's Start At The BeginningAuthor:
fallenmelodyCharacters: Kate, Sawyer, Jack
Word count & Rating: 632 words, PG
Disclaimer: Everything is property of the creators/writers of Lost and ABC, not me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Written in 20 minutes and not beta-read, which means it's probably crap. I'll put some effort into something serious soon, because I finished catching up with this show and I'm in love with it. Written for
lostfichallenge's 100th challenge: Season Six AU. Edit: Third place! :D
Summary: "I don't believe in coincidence, sweetheart."