Aug 24, 2008 23:03
I was supposed to close at work yesterday but I switched for opening shift. This gave me some time to make an appearance at Terri's baby shower, which was cool. While I was there, I saw Christine, and mentioned that we might like to come visit her today because I had the day off. She said, "that'd be cool, just call when you're on you're way down."
So, we got up early. I called Christine and left a message because I figured she might still be sleeping. We took the Turnpike down to Lansdale, where we caught the train to Market East. We had some time before we could get the next train, to Manayunk, so we stopped in the Reading Terminal Market and had lunch at the Basic Vegetarian Snack Bar. I had a mixed deli sub: it was so FREAKING good. It had (all-vegetarian) corned beef and "bolono" on it, as well as THE FRESHEST lettuce, onion and tomatoes ever. And the roll was honey wheat. I can not even begin to describe how orgasmic this sandwich was.
We tried to call Christine again a few times before we caught the train into Manayunk. She still wasn't answering, but at this point, but we already had our ticket, so we continued in our journey. We got into Manayunk at about two. Christine said that the Manayunk diner (where she and Aleister work) was really close to the train stop, so we prowled up and down Main Street for a while looking for the diner and really hoping she'd give us a call back. It was ridiculously warm out and, like the idiot I am, I was wearing a half-sleeve shirt.
Finally, around 3, we got ahold of her. She had been asleep the entire time we were trying to call. It turned out she lives right by the Wissahickon station, NOT the Manayunk station, so we had a ways to walk and we were already exhausted. I thought that I was going to pass out or die by the time we got there. We got to see her and Aleister, as well as the basement they're soon moving out of, for an hour or two before they had to work. We walked to the diner with them and had a meal, served by Aleister. Then we let Christine serve us drinks at the bar. We got a little tipped, then caught the train out at 7:15-ish.
Being tipsy and completely exhausted on a train is really interesting.
Finally got home at 10:30ish? Showering was so fucking nice....