Jun 08, 2008 18:29
So, I guess it's time for an update. My car has been in for repair for a few days now. I have a deductible of $1000 which Rebecca and I worked out between us and my insurance company is paying the rest. They are also paying for my rental, a Toyota Camry which drives like butter. I should have the yellow neon back as good as new in a few days. I am certain my premium will go up next year, but oh well.
I talked to Shannon again a few days ago, she is doing all right and isn't angry or upset with me. She hasn't found a job yet but she is receiving a lot of financial support from her boyfriend and she's been spending a lot of time taking care of her daughter: dental appointments, vaccinations and all of that kindergarten preparation stuff. Lynn is starting school in the fall (she'll be six in November). Our conversation was still very short and despite my urging, we haven't made any plans to see each other. But at least I know my line of contact with her hasn't been completely severed. I also know that she's holding up all right out there in the world.
Rebecca and I have actually been keeping busy lately, after finding that too much time alone in the apartment makes us a bit crazy. Last night we went out to Diamonz in the first time since we moved here (even though it's just down the street from us). I saw Amy there for the first time in a while and also met her girlfriend Dawn (who she just moved in with). The two of them seem wonderful together and Dawn is fabulous at karaoke.
Today we went to a bowling for breast cancer thing with some of my co-workers. After that, Rebecca and I visited a pet store and checked out a new sushi place. I am thinking about getting rats again; I keep going back and forth on the issue. I miss little tiny paws and kissy noses. If we got them, they'd definitely be a lease violation but they'd be easy enough to hide. They wouldn't get in the shutters like the cats do. I'd have to clean the cage in the shower though; I wouldn't be able to take it outside and hose it off like I used to do with my cages at my parents' house. I also worry about the fact that Rebecca and I are on such erratic schedules. I'm not sure if we'd be home enough to give them adequate attention. I am also not sure how they'd fare with our cats. I know rats and cats usually aren't too much of an issue, but Dexter and Lupin have very busy paws.