this sucks

Apr 19, 2004 18:26

"...I'm here without you baby,
but you're still on my lonely mind,
i think about you baby,
and i dream about you all the time.
I'm here with out you baby,
but you're still with me in my dreams.
But tonight it's only you and me..."
man i love that song. It's such a heart wrencher! :(

okay... i just got back from Girl Scouts we were making plants for earth day in a few days. i think it's on the 22nd. Same day as my Grandma's birthday. Also the last day that martin (my Boss) is working. I'm so sad that he's quitting. That really sucks. He's by far the coolest manager that i've ever had. Heidi and Kelsie are supposedly taking a trip to AZ to visit my lovely friend Jetka. in which i haven't seen in how long?...2, almost 3 years. I really want to go but i'm so freakin poor. I feel bad that paul is coming to visit and i'm going to be broke.
I haven't written machelle in awhile. I feel bad. I guess she's moved to Detroit now, but we haven't gotten an address.
I had a moment that was unusually embarassing and that doesn't happen too often. I don't get embarassed about anything anymore. But you're going to die. Here goes....I'm late for church on sunday and we get in the chapel right when the song ends. I'm supposed to say the prayer and so i don't even put my purse down, i just go straight up. I get up there and everyone's really quiet, waiting for me to start. all of a sudden, in front of the microphone and a very silent phone goes off. It's not the's the message tone which is set as this spial sounding thing. Right before i start. Well, i said the prayer mortified and it think that i repeated myself a few times in it. then i hid in the bathroom. Luckily i have to teach 6 year olds instead of adults who knew what it was. It's all paul's fault. the jerk. :)
I didn't go to school this morning for the first time this quarter. I'm depressed about that. I need a break. My days are starting to suck. I leave at 7 or 10am (depending the day) and then i'm busy all day and don't get home until around nine or later (depending on the day also) I'm so drained. I have an essay due on wednesday about something, but i can't think of a topic. hmmmmm. I was thinking about writing on "silence". ya know. The lack of it, the need of it, having too much and being afraid of it. It might be too deep though. I guess i better think of what to write about pretty soon. This sucks. sucks. sucks. sucks. what ever happened to being a kid. I play with kids all the time through all of my responsibilities and it makes me feel like i'm not an adult. Like i'm 8 again. and then i go to work or school and feel overwhelmed. just like the toys r us song. I don't wana grow up. even though i already should have. I don't have i? yeah. yeah i do. anyways, hope that everyone is doing okay. and perhaps the next entry will not be so depressing and full of embarassing stories. xoxoxox
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