So, shame on me, I'm a procrastinator. BUT! I did get around to doing a graphic-y thing, though I can't really use it for my portfolio. I made it for a friend's background on myspace when she came over to hang out the other night. I also did what I could with some pics I took of her with my phone to make them look a little better than the quality of my phone allows. It was kinda fun wowing somebody with my photoshop skillz, heh. I'm still working on getting a Mac version of photoshop, though, so I can do stuff on my SHINY NEW MAC that came in on Halloween. Which, I didn't get to do a thing for but work. Didn't dress up for SPN either because I had a friend over to watch with me. But hey, that totally makes up for not dressing up.
And hey, the background is Halloween related!
(click for the big 'un)