freewrite 15 min, or until i get distracted

Aug 02, 2021 10:57

more freewriting
more talking before I've finished my coffee, insert eyeroll here

so they did this ... wait let me back up and refresh everybody's memory since I've become this incredibly sporadic journaler instead of my somewhat sporadic nature before moving to California--

side note: people who don't live in the western USA often don't realize that California is basically two, possibly three to four separate states. There's one part that would really like to get back to their populist, small town 'republican-esque*' roots

(* Republican politicians are motivated only by greed and sociopathy to increase divisiveness but citizen Republicans do occasionally believe they have different motives
whether or not that ends up being true I will leave as an Exercise for you, Dear Reader)

ANYWAY, in California you have, as soshesays, north to south, Log Fog and Smog.

Travis, Sasha, and I all live (mostly) in Fog, although tbh Log extends down here too--

okay where was I, catching everybody up on Erika's weird health shenanigans--


My body is a old house with lots of curb appeal and basic structural soundness while still having a desperate need of a internal refresh of its systems as many of the amenities one would expect are broken-for example, temperature regulation is subpar and systems tend to break--however, as the remodel continues we notice there are lots of fun surprises like gorgeous old tiles!

However, the owners for the last 30/35 years did not take care of the property, mostly due to bad practices that were intergenerationally passed down. New management is now in place but change is slow and incremental as endangered species of Erika's Sanity nest on this property.--

more writing tomorrow, perhaps actually about my health. Will finish at this totally not a stopping point because today is a beach day.

Here, have a picture of Dog and some Amaryllis, locally called 'naked ladies':

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comment there (
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