Jun 20, 2007 00:11
This was for english class, part of a project, and some non-myspacers nee
10 ways to ruin a kiss
1. Bad breath
Sure, once you've been dating a while and you're comfortable with one another it's a little more acceptable to give your kissing partnener a short kiss after pizza or Chinese food, but for the first couple of months and especially the first date, please…a little mint goes a long way.
2. Too much tongue
There's no harm in letting your tongue get a little bit involved in a kiss, but there is definitely a point where it becomes too much. No more than the tip of your tongue should really cross into your kissing partner's mouth, and it really shouldn't end up outside of their lips. Think about it, who likes getting licked by a dog? Exactly. So keep it to a minimum.
3. Too much spit
Some people naturally make a lot of saliva, and it really isn't something that can be controlled. But, if you find that your saliva is becoming someone else's problem, you probably should think about keeping your kisses short and sweet.
4. Too much teeth
Fierce, passionate kisses are great, within reason. A playful nibble here and there, fine. But mashing your teeth up against someone's lips, or worse yet, their teeth, is a definite no-no. Being eaten alive is not generally what people are going for in a romantic moment.
5. Awkwardness
Yes, the first kiss and maybe a few after that with someone new are going to be scary, but when you decide to go for it, go for it. Look him or her in the eyes, figure out what you want to do with your hands, and commit to it. Wishy-washy kisses generally aren't the memorable great ones.
6. Overzealousness
Sometimes kisses are meant to be soft and sweet. Raking your hands wildly over someone's hair, shoving your tongue in their mouth, stumbling around and nearly falling over…really not necessary every time. Enjoy one that's soft and gentle every now and then.
7. Hands
Yes, it's hard to know what to do with your hands at first, but doing nothing at all with them is worse than doing something potentially awkward. Try the back of your partner's neck, around their waist, or even holding their hands…or just be creative.
8. Facial hair/stubble
Not all girls have a problem with facial hair, but definitely the "I haven't shaved in a couple days" stubble is a problem. It may look sexy, but it's painful, so come on guys, don't rub your chin on your girl, and try not to let your mustache go up her nose. Now if you're a girl with facial hair, that's just a whole other problem.
9. Open eyes
Some people have a hard time focusing on kissing without their mind wandering, but opening your eyes definitely isn't going to help. Not to mention how creepy it is to open your eyes and find someone staring at you mid-kiss. It's not an attractive view anyways, so keep 'em closed and focus on the task at hand.
10. Burping
As with all bodily functions, burping is one of those things that you sometimes just can't contain. But please, if you feel it coming, pull away and close your mouth, and follow up with a polite "excuse me". Nobody wants to taste secondhand what you had for dinner.