(no subject)

Sep 07, 2010 20:47

marcella di folco, one of (if not the) most important trans activist in italy, died today aged 67.

it was a pure shock, even though i knew she was ill last year; i didn't know it was terminal. i met her, lots of times, because she was the founder of the MIT (movimento identità transessuale), in bologna, which i frequented often. she dedicated her whole life to activism for trans rights and to the MIT, which is the only gender clinic sort of place completely run by trans people (although partially sponsored by the national health care system).
honestly, as i know the MIT and people involved in it very well, i am worried about its future. marcella was the heart and soul of that place and although she was a bit of a character, she never refused a battle, whether with the government, the church, the media...

the news are starting to report this tonight, although obviously the "corriere della sera", which is the most important newspaper in italy basically, is starting to show itself for what a shit, politically influenced paper is. it's supposed to be independent, but it's just not and it's adding insult to injury right now. they ALWAYS use male pronouns for trans women in their articles, despite people leaving angry comments. now, in their article about this (which doesn't even deserve their first page, as i had to search for it in the local bologna section), i read "[marcella di folco] è stat un punto di riferimento..." ...
"è stat", a botched "has been", missing the last, gendering letter. do they have ungendered default articles for trans people? do they decide at the last minute if they want to be "PC" or not? are they not ashamed of being a mainstream newspaper, when they insult the memory of the first and most important italian trans activist by ungendering her (or not proofreading the article written about her)?

i'm sad for her death, i'm proud to have known her, but i'm ashamed that i'm part of a nation that does not recognise the value of a person even when it's right in front of them, and that just does not care.

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