Feb 21, 2011 15:44
[ Well.
Talk about your awkward mornings. It's not exactly the best realization to wake up to, the fact that the past week of generally being in love was due to outside influence- that's something that hurts when you know it, digs in and wants to stay there- but Chouji will not let it stop him from being Chouji. Meaning he will get out of bed and eat and take a walk, like all those normal things he tends to do.
It's painful, but he doesn't really regret it; the only thing he'd regret would be if Katara got hurt because of it. That's pretty much one of his top concerns of the day, actually, and the result? He won't do what a tiny part of his mind is suggesting and hide in the apartment for a few weeks. She doesn't deserve to be ignored: so he won't ignore her. ]
[Filtered to Katara // 70%]
... How are you?
power of ~friendship~,
seeing as freaking out won't help,
he has priorities,
being the nice guy