The Royal-Thatcher Family II: Week Six

Jan 14, 2017 19:30

Week Five: Daniel and Tyson both went college along with their triplet sister and younger brother. While there, Tyson quickly fell for Henry, but right before college ended, he had a quick and unexpected fling with a girl in their dorm, which no one knows about (at least, not yet). Daniel was a little slower to find love after leaving behind his high school boyfriend, but Ama soon caught his eye. Once they all graduated, they bought a place together.

small event: Game Night - electronic or board, it's up to you for the evening
big event: nothing - the week goes on like normal

As soon as they move in, Tyson and Henry christen the bed. Hopefully Tyson has forgotten about a certain Ms. Villa (especially since she's now spoken for via one of the many Ms. Perrys)...

Henry is oblivious to any leftover feelings.

Tyson, Ama, and Henry: *politely eats*
Daniel: *eats - not politely*

Um, Henry, I don't think you should be here right now.
Also, I think you might be possessed or something, Henry.

A kicked-out Henry immediately went off to find his beau.
Um, it looks like there are still people in that bed behind you, guys.

And you don't care.
And neither does your brother and his girlfriend. Okay, it's official, this family is way too close.

And then you go and be all adorable.

Please don't be in love with your future sister-in-law, please don't be in love with your future sister-in-law, please don't be in love with your future sister-in-law.

All of the loving going on in this house has paid off - there are future babies on the way!

The problem with such a big family - too many hungry people and still no patient between them all.

Um, Ama, should I be worried that you have these wants while you're in bed with your future brother-in-law?

And now she's knocked up as well (luckily, by her boyfriend and not her boyfriend's brother). Plenty of babies on the way, especially given my luck with twins, triplets, and quads in the past...

I'm pretty sure that everyone in this house hates you, so no.

This baby really wants to get out, apparently.

Henry: It really sucks being the size of beach balls, huh?

Ama: Yes, yes it does. It's hard to attract men when you're the size of a beach ball.
Henry: Does Daniel really care that much?
Ama: Who, oh yeah, him. I suppose he doesn't care, since it is his baby. *sigh*
I'm going to be watching you, Ama.

And now it's game time, thanks to the ROS event. Tyson is very excited.

Ama is still very unhappy with her large belly, apparently.

Various people wanted to be married and hopefully wedding rings will keep certain people from going after their non-spouses, so it's time for some proposals and weddings out by this beautiful arch that isn't actually functional!

I'm ignoring that red glow, Tyson.

And the new wedding bliss is interrupted by a hungry Daniel. Such a great brother.

He quickly forgot about his stomach when he proposed, though.

Hmm, a positive glow - maybe you're doing okay, Ama.

*waves* Hello, Kayla Taylor! This town is just full of pregnant women waddling around right now.

Hmm, why is the ceiling that carpet? And why are two blocks not carpet? And why is Ama dreaming about Tyson?
Oh yeah, and it's baby time. It's old hat at this time, so less exciting.

Just kidding - look at the adorable! Meet Vesta Thatcher, who got Tyson's eyes and Henry's hair and skintone.

No matter what her mood, Vesta is adorable.
I apologize for nothing.

At least Henry and Daniel's relationship seems platonic - but maybe this is just the calm before the storm and the innocent swinging is just the first step.

You two got married and one of you has a baby while the other has one on the way.
Ungrateful brats.

No comment.
Ama: I can see Tyson with this telescope!

Look, it's your actual husband, here to see your birth!

And... it's twins.
And she gave the first baby to Tyson instead of Daniel.
Baby: Wait, is this my daddy? I'm confused.

They're identical, so just have this picture. It's two boys, Oden and Brody Royal. They got their skintone and eyes from their mother and their hair from their father.

So many adorable, screaming babies.

Before we get a closeup of a newly aged-up Vesta, look - she got her daddy's elf ears!

See? They're matching and adorable!

Commitment Issues (Tyson) // Old Soul (Henry) // Optimist

Daniel: Why won't you stop screaming?
Tyson: Thanks for growing up, sweetheart.

What happened to this child?! Fix this!

The twins also grew up. This is Brody...

Movie Buff (Daniel) // Genius (Ama) // People Person

...and Oden.

Dramatic (Daniel) // Colorful (Ama) // Lucky

More cuteness!

Why aren't you playing with your niece, Ama?
Ama: But she's Tyson's child with another man!
This is a fun, drama-free house, isn't it?

Yep, drama-free. It's like the wedding arch knows that the marriages in this household aren't super-solid.


I forgot to get a fire alarm, so I had to force an adult to call the phone - they kept freaking out and running back to fire instead of GETTING SOME HELP.

Took you long enough.
Congratulations, Oden - good for you, ignoring the raging fire.


Oh, thank god.


Oh my god, they had to send a second fireman - I've never seen that before.

Um, YOU AREN'T DONE YET! And it's been so long, it's already morning.

I had to delete the tree, because they didn't realize it was still burning and left.

And, to make matters even worse, THIS HAPPENED. I think this might have been the same day, just at night.

You better cry - she's stealing your children!
Social Worker: *is unfeeling*

Oh, great timing, now that we've lost all our kids.
Don't worry, I have cheats and got them back, but still.

Well, this seems appropriate after the day we've had. Goodbye Daniel, you were the only thing keeping Ama from wrecking Tyson and Henry's marriage.

Don't worry, he didn't actually die. Thank god, finally some luck.

And with all that drama, the week finally ended! I've never been so glad to make it to the end of a week and take a break from a family.

- I'm amazed that ACR didn't step in and cause some real drama with Ama and Tyson - we'll have to see what happens next week.
- I'm having a lot of trouble keeping track of whose kids are who - this is going to be a problem.

sunset bay: thatcher family, !sunset bay, sunset bay: royal family, week six

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