The Perry Family III: Week Six

Dec 27, 2016 15:26

Week Five: Remy was happy to spread her wings in college while still bringing along her beloved boyfriend, Percy. There wasn't any romantic drama between them, so they quickly got engaged and then got an apartment at the same building where her father and his family lives.

small event: Night Out - take every eligible sim on your lot to a community lot at night and have fun
big event: nothing

The nearly-newlyweds are happy to spend their days in bed.

Until they get up and all get sick because they live in the same apartment complex as Remy's father and those evil, cold-giving Cybells.

Don't worry, someone knows how to make Grandma's Comfort Soup - no mass death due to killer colds here. Can colds even kill Sims?
*The things I ponder while writing up these posts*

Pretty Remy is pretty.

Couple skilling.

Couple... um, bonding?
Your father lives two apartments away, and you're right in front of the front window!

Percy found a job - and I promptly forgot what it was.

And he'll need that income - there's a baby on the way!

Peacock Statue: Does this couple ever stop making out?

They do when they start dancing and Remy accidentally steps on Percy's feet.
How could you get mad at that face?

Percy obviously can't stay mad at her either.

I've never really looked at the books on this bookcase - it's quite interesting, really. The details in this game can be quite interesting.

Remy: How did my mom and Jules manage to have so many kids? This book makes it sound terrible!
Too late, Remy, much too late.

Remy: Adoption sounds good.
Still too late.

What's interrupting your beauty sleep, darling?


All the pretty flowers.

Um, Joel? Jules? Juniper? Please don't die.
I hate summer. For some reason, it's hell in Sunset Bay - never had such an issue with it before.

Who cares about the sims who might be dying - we have new life on the way!

Remy: Is it still too late to adopt?!

Meet Elisabeta Perry, the first of many new Perrys on the way! It looks like she got everything from Percy.

Is Percy scared to be a father now?

Nope, he's watching a "scary" movie. Never watched a sim watch movies - I should do that more often.

Wait, is this a horror movie or one of the family ones?
Percy, Percy, Percy.

Juniper! Juniper's husband!
I should really check his name at some point.

More soup.

Birthdays come quickly because babies are boring and all look the same.

Bossy (Remy) // Angler (Percy) // Insomniac

Even cuter! I've been wanting to use this hair, Elisabeta seemed like a good choice.

Much cuter than a baby.

The apartment is pretty thin, so walking lessons are best done outside.

*pat pat*

Elisabeta: I'm perfectly comfotable where I am, why should I stumble over there?

Elisabeta: Crawling is much better.


Jules: I don't see the daughter of my husband's first born he had with that woman before me. All I see is my own safe apartment...
Of course, Jules, of course.

Look, a familiar face to all Simmers!

You know, with a little makeover, Meadow Thayer looks pretty good. Glad she chose to move to Sunset Bay because of course she's very selective about where she lives...

Of course Remy couldn't stop with just one child - not after growing up with so many half-siblings and one special full sibling!

We'll have to wait to see that new baby, though - I guess Remy will just have to waddle around town for the next week.

- Neither Remy nor Percy wanted to get married, so these two are still just engaged, although they obviously like each other quite a bit.
- Oh, and I think I forgot to do their ROS event, so no date night for these two. Maybe someday I'll get better about doing these things...

!sunset bay, sunset bay: perry family, week six

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