The Pleasant Family: Week Five

May 31, 2016 00:37

Featuring Sims by OliveSpecter

From the round-up of Week Four, this is what happened in the Pleasant household last time: Lilith and Linda did their best to flaunt their relationship in front of Angela, so Angela went out and got her own partner in the form of Niall, who moved in with plenty of money and knocked Angela up. Poor Eve was constantly traumatized by all the PDA going on, so she was quite happy to head off to college, where she might find someone of her own. Little Danny was an adorable toddler who grew up to be a child, and he'll soon have a little cousin to play with now that his older half-sister is gone.

small event: too much food channel - cook a different meal every night
big event: nothing - the week goes on like normal

Frosty isn't ready for spring, so he's creepily staring through the window instead.

As you can see, Angela is still pregnant.

Even though her daughter has now gone on to college and is ready to start her own life with her boyfriend, Eve still keeps in touch with her mother.

No one has a job in this house, and even though they're doing fine right now, Niall decided to start up work as a novelist, which means taking over the computer in his girlfriend's sister and partner's room.

Lilith really is a great mother - take that, stereotypes that Maxis tried to push on poor Lilith Pleasant.

And she's still quite in love with Linda - but after Angela gives birth, I think that's enough children in this house.

See, she loves talking to her oldest so much! *pats Lilith on her little redheaded head*

Linda is also quite a wonderful mother, even if their son doesn't look like them at all (really, thanks for the random alien skintone, game).

And they're no longer the only mothers in the house...

Of course, it's twins - and obviously Niall should be bathing at the same time while Angela is trying to give him their firstborn.

She finally gave up and went to her quasi-sister-in-law rather than her actual sister.
Anyway, Angela gave birth to a boy and girl - Wade and Rena.

I said no more children!
And that is your nephew staring at you, Angela!

He left, but they did not stop (no chimes, though *phew*).

Besides, they have adorable babies to think about instead of possible future children.

Aw, she even calls to speak to her half-brother! This is a nice, close-knit family.

This is a nice, close-knit couple. Well, as long as they keep the naughty stuff to the bedroom and away from their nephew.

Danny brought Lila Delaney home from school and they quickly began playing cops and robbers. Danny's hair didn't like the game, however, and was glitchy and annoying.

After she left, the rain turned into a lovely thunderstorm that set the tree in the backyard on fire. Of course, everyone just had to rush out and see it, and of course the rain stopped before the fire did and no one wanted to go inside and call the freaking fire department. I finally woke Niall up to do it, and luckily he managed to call before he noticed and began freaking out like everyone else.

You are all horrible adults.

Um, excuse me, but can you not see the HUGE fire still going?
The stupid thing glitched but luckily was gone when I finished playing a few days later.

To be honest, I overuse boolprop and don't worry about my sims' needs, so I fully expected to fail the small ROS event this week, but my sims apparently didn't want to cheat, so they kept making their own meals, so mission (kind of) accomplished?

Is this payback for your son or something?

This house really is full of awesome adults, but I think green fumes mean something other than "hungry baby."

No more stinky babies - just stinky toddlers!
And look - Wade aged up with his father's hair!

Here's Rena - I think these pigtails suit her.

Well, obviously, Wade had to keep the curly, blue hair.

Father-son matching time.

I admit, I wasn't really sold on Rena's cuteness, but parent bonding sure helped...

Niall is a REALZ AUTHOR now.
It did not sell well.

So much blue hair!
(ignoring Danny - this is about the green-skinned aliens, not orange)

Other than her mother's hair color, Rena really favors her father, just as her brother does. They also all have the same tiny eyes.



So much toddler adorableness, obviously.

Sadly, toddlerhood is already over - but Rena is still adorable!

And Niall quickly makes up for the fact that Wade is now taller.

Danny also grew up, but I can't really say that puberty has been kind to him...
Family // Wanderlust

The twins were much luckier.
Dramatic (Angela) // Hoarder (Niall) // Natural Born Performer // Appreciates Art

Workaholic (Angela) // Impulsive Shopper (Niall) // Vain // Adrenaline Seeker

And that's it for the only family that seemed to grow this week - and with that, the fifth week is over as well! I'll have the Week 5 Round-up posted soon, and after that it's on to Week 6 (!)

- No one seems all that interested in getting married, so I'm not going to do anything unless someone changes their mind. All of the kids have the Pleasant surname, so that's enough for me.

!sunset bay, sunset bay: pleasant family, week five

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