The Lynch-Davis Family: Week Four

Nov 08, 2015 19:41

From the round-up of Week Three: Lena and Vanessa continued to be so in love that they had a surprise! baby, Winslow; the rest of their children grew up as well; Lena became old enough to work in the family store and romance the adorable Samara Jarrett, with whom she had her first kiss; and the business continued to rise in rank.

small event: charity starts at the home - donate funds to a worthy cause or a needy neighbor
big event: alien abduction - you suddenly find yourself fascinated wih the stars and get a surprise

I just realized that I forgot to do the small event - maybe next week? - and Luna is the lucky one chosen for the big event, which is just what one of the biggest families in Sunset Bay needs...

Luna quickly starts working on her job this week - she's much more excited about it than I am. Four kids is enough already, but whatever, let's let what happens, happen.

She's quickly distracted by her wife, though, which isn't surprising - I definitely didn't guess that they would be all over each other when I first made them!

HEY! If there are two pregnancies at once, then you are getting separate bedrooms!

Lila Delaney is popular with the children this week - now she came home with one of the Lynch-Davis children. I have a feeling she might be growing up sometime soon...

Linda, Lilith's girlfriend, was not too happy that Luna was spying on her, but Luna proved that she's not always a nice little thing who can be pushed around.
I don't think Linda is going to be coming back anytime soon...

Well, at least she's a great mom, since she's going to have another one on the way.

Exhibit A

Haven is adorable and I'm not going to apologize for taking many adorable pictures of her. The end.

Aw, Lena is such a great older sister, even with the large age gap between her and her (currently) youngest sibling!

Really? You two are too busy in the bedroom to see your twins grow up?

Popularity // Nurturing

Aw, their cousin came to visit - interested to see all the birthdays?

Winslow also grew up, and is just as adorable as the rest of the children.

Nope, I'm not biased toward Haven at all.
Family // Genius

Haven is excited to be a teenager now.


Darcy, Britta's employee at her flower shop, came home with someone and got into a bit of a disagreement with Grant.

More than a bit of a disagreement.


There are children here!

Are you cheering on the fact that your brother lost, Lena?

*please be the last birth in this family please be the last birth in this family please be the last birth in this family*

He doesn't look too alien-ish right now. And why does he have those messed up eyes?!

Sisterly bonding time! Lena looks a little scary in this last picture, like she's up to something.

Business isn't going great at the Davis Foods and Goods right now.

I don't think that's why Grant is crying right now, though. Come on, don't make the customers sad as well - they didn't lose fights!

Then poor Grant got reamed out by a customer. He can't catch a break.

Here's a toddler Carson (just realized that I never said his name - oops)!
Heavy Sleeper (Luna) // Grumpy (Vanessa) // Perfectionist

Family gathering! Their living room/dining room/kitchen area isn't going to be big enough soon.

Even though she's a little older, Grant was interested in Skylar - maybe it's the blue hair.

Skylar is certainly interested in him.

Boundaries, Skylar! That is your maybe-boyfriend's mother!

It looks like she's trying to eat his arm or something. Grant doesn't seem to mind too much.

I guess Grant likes her because he has no boundaries either - that is your mothers' bed, Grant! Come on, at least use - hmm, the only other option is the couch out in a public area. Their house doesn't really have a lot of options for horny teenagers.

They didn't have much time to cuddle before they rushed to watch Lena leave for college. They'll certainly need the room once little Carson needs a bed of his own.

This seems like a good picture of the family - a dirty baby bottle and possibly inapproriate conversations going on, not to mention a lot of pajamas even though it's the middle of the day.

And that's it for the Lynch-Davis family this week! Next up is the first Perry household.

- Lena and her girlfriend, Samara Jarrett, are headed off to the same dorm with her cousin, Leo and his girlfriend, Kayla.
- Right before I started playing the family this week, I got a new Multi-PT default, so I'm really curious to see what Carson looks like as he grows up. The brown eye bit is a little concerning, though - is that normal when you put in a new one? I kept some of the old files like I saw in a tutorial, from the old Multi-PT default, but this seems like something that happened with the new one. I gave him custom eyes as a toddler, but I'm worried about him passing on those ugly, weird eyes when he has kids, and I'd rather keep that out of my game. Does anyone know what to do about it?

week four, sunset bay: davis family, !sunset bay, sunset bay: lynch family

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