Jan 11, 2007 16:38
I'm seriously considering playing much less poker going forward. My results have been terrible for about six months now and poker is not fun at all for me right now. So, what the hell should I do with myself? I have enough money that I don't need to find an income right away, though I will have to find one at some point. I would love to start or invest in a business but I don't have a creative idea for one and opening a dry cleaner or a deli doesn't interest me.
Many people have suggested that I go back to school but I'm wary. Everyone I know who has gone back to school hates it. I'm lazy, never worked very hard in school, and grad school requires more and harder work than the school I'm used to. Grad school is expensive. I also feel like a lot of my peers have gone back to school simply because they don't know what to do with themselves. This does not seem a good reason to me. If I ever go back, it will be with a specific post-school career in mind, and I don't have one of those right now.
So what's out there for a smart 27 year-old with a college degree and not much work experience? I like numbers and games and competition and problem solving (...and puppies and rainbows, when did this turn into a personal ad?).
Thanks kids.