Mar 26, 2006 01:32


24 people - we have 50-odd - every single one committed, from the lowly Sec Ones who already have to handle all the scene transitions, to the seniors who have to source for props and costumes, do publicity, AND act in two shows. The technicals were a nightmare - what with projecting DVDs shows on the screen, lights and sounds handled from two sources, the AV being handled by people from other CCAs and all the strike times and costume changes - yet YOU STILL MADE IT. With only twenty-four very busy people!

It has been very, very interesting working with all of you. All of you are- are just so different. Like no-one I've ever been with before. Maybe being in a boys' school for three years does add to the effect.

And I miss you all already. I can't go to the debrief on Tuesday even if the other four can, the only tangible remnants are the green sling bag you all borrowed, which I will forget about quite soon, and the candle, miniature soccer ball and two cards given to me by various individuals. (I ate up the bar, it was nice.)

You all were great, simply great, all fun and interesting people in your own way too, and though Mr Tang/Tan may scold you for not being on task when you are indeed not, it is but natural - we all get scolded often too!

So: all the best! Perhaps inappropriate, maybe corny, but LONG LIVE THEATRE CLUB! ALL THE BEST!

I miss the very funny smell of the dance studio when collecting props, the large auditorium, M4, the nice tub, babies and jade beads, not to forget Lee Mee our little wooden duck, and of course all of you.

It has been some experience working with you all.
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