SPN 5.09 + 3.07 thoughts

Oct 27, 2010 13:31

I know this is random, but I have a few thoughts I really wanted to share since I recently rewatched these two episodes. I hadn't really touched my Season 5 DVD's much since I bought them (I fail, I know). I had watched the gag reel and an episode here and there, but that was about it. Last night I watched "The Real Ghostbusters" again - as for "Fresh Blood", that was night before last I believe, or something. Anyway, that's with my sis, since I got her to watch it with me too. Anyway, yeah, I'll shut up now and move on to what I actually want to talk about. P.S. Bobby's Survival Guide stuff is pretty damn cool, still got some more stuff to watch \o/

I have a tendency to want to skip over some episodes when re-watching, but this time I told myself, no, I'm gonna watch them all. I even watched "Abandon all Hope" even though I really didn't want to - I hadn't seen it since it aired, and I bawled my eyes out again so hard it hurt. Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was what Becky had said at the end of the episode about the Colt, Bela, Lilith, and Crowley. One thing you should know about me, I'm a very forgetful individual, seriously. Not to mention I don't watch the episodes nearly much as I should, I'd probably get a lot more to stick that way - although, I've seen the previous seasons tons of times already. Anyway, she said "Bela gave the Colt to a demon named Crowley, Lilith's right hand man, and maybe lover." I actually paused it and rewound it to listen to her like 3 times to make sure and to just let my brain process it. Lilith was the first demon to ever be created right? That means Crowley must be old as hell too. Not to mention "King of Hell" really makes sense right now. If you guys knew this already (which you probably did) please excuse me while I ramble a little bit. If Lucifer is really out of the picture by now, what does Crowley want to do now? Maybe I need to watch "Weekend at Bobby's" again now though. Anyway, now I feel like we're going to be seeing A LOT more of Crowley, which really makes me happy because he's a fantastic character. I was actually bouncing around watching 5.10 again cause I was like "Yay! Crowley's coming in!" - "HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T MISS?!?! MORONS!!" AHAHAH. You guys got any thoughts about Crowley in all of this? I'd love to hear your POV's!

As for 3.07 - guys ;__; After watching 6.05, and then to go back and see this episode, god. Sam's speech to Dean always held a special place in my heart but now it felt so much more important, along with the ending scene of the episode, which everyone remembers where Dean is showing Sam how to fix the Impala. Guys, I COULD NOT STOP CRYING, I SWEAR. Just thinking about it now kinda makes me want to tear up. We all know how bad things have gotten between the brothers, but going back to watching when Sam and Dean still trusted each other completely is heartwrenchingly beautiful. I wanted to stop crying but I just couldn't. The episode finished and I was still curled into a ball so my sis wouldn't see my tears. I still can't believe a television show can affect me like this. Sorry guys, I just want to bear hug all of you ;__; *clings*

And I started watching a bit of Bobby's Survival Guide stuff, and to see Kripke and all of them talking about the show, and just seeing how far it's come, I couldn't help just yelling at my tv "SUPERNATURAL, YOU'RE AMAZING"~ It made me realize how much I really thought Season 5 kicked ass. It had so many memorable scenes for me to even count. It was a huge Season, it just makes me so proud to be fan of this amazing show. Andddd, I think I need to shut up now, cause I could ramble on about this foreverrrrrr~

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