
Dec 02, 2014 22:26

Title: Thanks
Pairing/Characters: The whole team
Rating/Category: G
Word Count: 102
Spoilers: The entire Numb3rs show ;-)
Prompt #500 Thanks

Colby was thankful Don gave him a second chance with the team after the so-called “Chinese-event”.

David was thankful he didn’t lose his best friend during the same “better to be forgotten” challenge.

Charlie was thankful he could work with his brother.

Amita was thankful to have Charlie as her husband.

Liz was thankful she stayed with the team after breaking up with Don.

Niki was thankful she traded LAPD for FBI.

Robin was thankful she rekindled her friendship with Don.

Don was thankful for such a great team.

And Alan was thankful to have them all around the table for Thanksgiving.

fic: general

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