Written for Remembrance, Take 2 Challenge...
Title: Please Come Home to Me
Pairing/Characters: Colby/OFC-Callie Walker (high school sweethearts; pre-series, sort of)
Rating: R (language, adult situations)
Word Count: 2643
Summary: Colby finds comfort in an old letter.
Spoilers: 3.24 - The Janus List, just to be safe.
Notes/Warnings: LOOKIT! Your mod actually submitted something for the challenge! I haven't posted fic here since October 2009. YIKES. Anyway, I'm a hopeless romantic who loves the idea of love letters. Hence, this fic. Callie's letter to Colby is italicized. Part of the
High School Sweethearts Universe, started when
julietm wrote
Winter Carnival and
Just Another Day for previous
savecolby challenges. Please read author's comments for additional notes. And, as always, thanks to my beta and first reader
julietm. Nothing would get posted if it weren't for you.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
Please Come Home to Me