Challenge: Smart!Colby For The Win

Feb 01, 2010 10:40

We haven't had a challenge here for a while, and apparently I'm in the mood for challenges (I've posted one in every other community I mod today. )

After the most recent episode of Numb3rs (I know I need to post the episode discussion), and following a comment made in the "Why we love Colby Granger" discussion (happening: here), I've decided for this challenge - I want Smart!Colby.

My apologies to the artists in the community, but this time I want fic where Colby was hired for his brain and not just his brawn. What if Colby was hired as the FBI profiler instead of Megan or as her replacement? Maybe he works with Matt Li as a computer specialist for the FBI (not too far of a stretch; we know Colby loves his technology.) What if he wasn't an FBI agent at all, but a correspondent for the Discovery Channel? Walk us back through Colby's life as a spy! THAT required a lot of brain power to keep his double life a secret for TWO years. Or keep Colby's role EXACTLY as it is now, but show us more of his logic rather than his actions.

Another thought: how about some pre-series Colby? College!Colby working on his degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics *cough*swingandswirl I'm looking at you*cough*, English, romantic languages, philosophy... whatever the hell you think Colby would have studied. What about high school!Colby... dealing with the loss of his dad, and still making straight A's?

We all know Colby is a smart guy. Let's highlight that and show the world this side of our favorite Fedcake. (And just for clarification, these fics do not have to be general - het, slash, and het/slash are welcome.)

Since I know Smart!Colby may require a little more effort to write, this challenge will be open for not one but two months, closing March 31st at 11:59pm (wherever you are.)

Also, for those who might think they don't have anything to contribute, why not post us some recommendations of YOUR favorite smart!Colby fic? I know there has to be some out there... particularly following The Janus List and Trust Metric.

Please follow our guidelines for posting (this doesn't just make my job easier; the folks at numb3rs_news appreciate a clean subject and header because it makes their job easier too!) and post to us!! Most importantly, have fun. :)

Note: You'll find a summary of the posting rules behind the cut - broken down by specific types of posts. This is just my way of trying to make posting easier for you to encourage you to do so.

All posts must have a clear subject line with the following information:

Subject: Title, Rating, Character(s)/Pairings

Video: I'll Be Your Man, Colby Granger
Fic: Enemies (Colby/OFC, PG-13)
Wallpaper: Super!Colby

Header Information for Posting Recs:
Length (if required):
Why I'm reccing this fic:

And then provide a link to the fanart you're recc'ing.

Header Information for Posting Fic:
Header MUST include the following
Characters: [use a / to designate pairing (ex. Colby/OFC)]
Rating: [MPAA ratings recommended (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)]
Spoilers: [if applicable]

Feel free (even encouraged) to add Summary, Word Count, Author’s Notes, and Disclaimer [sidenote: you should have a disclaimer on the fic itself to avoid possible legal ramifications].

All genres (gen, het, slash) and ratings (G - NC-17) are welcome. The only rule is that Colby must be a central character.

challenge, admin

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