Dec 26, 2009 18:46

Abel Nightroad: A personalized Christmas card that thanks him for the tree and gifts, a bag of candy and a nice candle stick set for his church.

Amane Misa: these nice arm warmers!

Anthony J. Crowley: A nice Space Heater, the present is unmarked so he can keep up his demon dignity

Arthur Pendragon: A nice winter coat with some gloves. And no, there will be no name left with the gift. Just wrapped and dumped on the bed by a ghost.

Asano Rin: A nice pair of athletic gloves to make sword fighting easier.

Azmaria Hendric: A cross pendant with chain since you're a training Exorcist.

Barney Stinson & The Wildkat Staff: For helping out with the debt fund, Allen will send Barney a personalized Christmas card thanking him for his help. He'll also get a large bag of very nice chocolates and candies for himself. Some of these will be liquor filled, while others will be chocolate covered coffee beans. He'll also send a second card to the Wildkat staff thanking them for their help and once again a big bag of chocolates and candies for them to split among each other - just no liquor filled ones since he don't know the age range of the people working in your store.

Bart Allen:  A Christmas card, some candy and a few drawing pads and drawing pencils for your art.

Casca: Some candy...and he'll skip on the Christmas card since he's not sure you know how to read.

Carly Shay: A pair of red socks since he hopes you find that amusing. Also this bracelet!

Claire Bennet: A teddy bear that's dressed up like a princess and a crown. Also? Toys and treats for Penny and Mr. Muggles.

Clark Kent: A Christmas card, some candy and chocolate.

Cloud Nyne: Some candy, chocolate and some treats for Lao. A Christmas card too...sadly he has no idea what's a good gift for a General okay.

Cloud Strife: this Wolf pendant and chain.

Colette Brunel: A book of fairy tales and legends from Earth. Most of them tend to be the lighter happier ones.

Django: A panda plushie! Yes, he picked a panda for you Django.

Eliot: For helping out with the debt fund, Allen is going to send Eliot a Christmas Card thanking him for his kind help. Also a box of very fancy and nice chocolates.

Erica Hartmann: HE WASN'T SURE WHAT TO GET YOU, so he got you lots of candies, sweets and a Christmas card. :D It's a lot of food thar.

Faith Lehane: Lots of candy and chocolate, and some weapons. Pick and choose what you want Faith.

Freelancer 'Wash' Washington: He's not sure what to get you, so he hopes some candy and a Christmas card doesn't go over too badly

Gaignun Kukai, Jr.: A very nice poker set that looks just like the kind they had in Allen's time, along with a book from that time. Some non fiction, some fiction.

Gino Weinberg: a Christmas card, candies, a pillow in case he starts getting fainting spells again and a few toys and treats for his cat :D

Guts: Not a complete suit but some pieces of armor (arm guards, shoulder guards, leg guards, stuff that can be worn on it's own) plus a chain mail shirt. Since you had to bury your old armor, you have to have something to keep you safe.

Halloween (Mordred): WOOD POLISH LIKE SHE ASKED. And some normal swords that are similar to hers in size and appearance so she can practice with other swordfighters without destroy their swords~

Hardison: For helping out with the debt fund, Allen is going to send Eliot a Christmas Card thanking him for his kind help. Also a box of very fancy and nice chocolates.

Hokari Hikari: a Christmas card and a bag of various candies. You made an impression on him about the baseball thing okay :(

James Potter: A personalized card and have a bag for candies for James.  Oh, also a pirate's hat. He remembers you were his captain.

Jun: For help with the debt fund, Allen is going to send Jun a Christmas card thanking her and big box of chocolates and candies.

Kamina: A very simple, easy to read Christmas card and a bunch of candy and treats. In addition he'll get Kamina a winter coat that he had the ghosts put the Dai Gurren symbol on the back of you'll wear it.

Komui Lee: Several bags of coffee beans, various flavors but it's all good stuff!

Kratos Aurion: Some books of military history from Earth as well as a few toys and treats for Iota.

Kyle Rayner: Yeah, you know that speaker system that was in the music room? He'll convince some ghosts to carry it up to your room and set it up. :D MAYBE YOUR ROOM CAN GROW SLIGHTLY BIGGER SO IT FITS .... >>

Lavi: Some washable markers and pens to write with and just in case he gets scribbled on his face AGAIN, a couple nice hoop earrings since Lavi wear those things a lot and a Plushie Dinosaur :D

Lenalee Lee: Some nice hairclips, A book that's similar to Jane Austen (He just asked the bookstore clerk okay)  and Chocolates

Lloyd Irving: A Christmas card, a bunch of candy and a sword cleaning kit to keep your two swords in good shape.

Lorne & The Caritas Staff: For help with the debt fund this year, Allen will send Lorne a Christmas card thanking him for all the help and. Also a very large bag of very nice candy, many of them liquor filled. He will also send a second card to the Caritas staff giving them a general thank you, along with their own bag of candy to split among themselves. Like Lorne's, many of them are probably liquor filled and they are nice stuff.

Lucy Heartphilia: A cookbook with all sorts of different recipes in it. And also framed photographs that he found of Natsu and Gray....Okay sure maybe they are their mug shots from when they destroyed part of the town, but that's the best photo he could find where Gray had clothing on.

Luke fon Fabre: A sword cleaning/maintaining kit! To keep your short swords shiny and sharp. And since it's your birthday too, he'll get you a second gift of a book about the different places on Earth that would be fun to explore. It's very shiny and has awesome photos.

Minato Arisato: Some very nice quality headphones!

Miranda Lotto: Several books of stories that he would think she'd like, mostly fairy tales and such. Also a very nice first aid kit.

Merlin: A personalized Christmas card, a bag of candies and a book about the magic in Allen's Earth. There's spells in it, but none of the super dark illegal stuff.

Morgana: a nice comfy blanket! So you can keep warm, maybe sleep easier and if a certain idiot ever makes you wait days in the waiting room again - you'll be set!

Nill: A beautiful blond glass doll, along with a regular cloth one she has one that's okay to play without risk of breaking

Parker: For helping out with the debt fund, Allen is going to send Parker a Christmas Card thanking her for her kind help. Also a box of very fancy and nice chocolates.

Princess Yue: A microwave!

Raine Sage: As an apology to be unable to explore the dead zone like he promised, he will give Raine a handwritten journal that contains all the information that Allen has gathered over the past three years, and it's extensive. Any castle wide events, popular losses, a list of types of permanents losses he's heard of people receiving, incidents of loss changes or canon updates he's head of and the circumstances, a rough map of the world, information about the castle and how it's changed (for example: death used to be three weeks wait but turned into two weeks and one of the Doctors was sighted as a ghost last year), any failed escape attempts performed by himself or other residents publicly, etc etc etc. Pretty much anything that Allen could think about involving the castle is in here, and it's organized. It's like the one he gave Shikamaru last year, but updated for this year too. Oh and some candy.

Ryou Bakura: A personalized Christmas card and a lot of candies and treats. Also a scarf and hat to keep you warm. He'll make sure the hat is big enough to fit over your hair.

Shayera Hol: For saving his life and helping him out? Allen will get her a Christmas card, candies and chocolate, and a little plushie hawk. He thought it was cute okay :(

Shibuya Yuuri: Allen got him a nice baseball bat and ball. Oh and some salt licks for Buffalo!Allen.

Shiki Misaki: For help with the debt fund, he's getting her a Christmas card thanking her along with candy and chocolate

Sophie: For helping out with the debt fund, Allen is going to send Sophie a Christmas Card thanking her for her kind help. Also a box of very fancy and nice chocolates.

Subaru Hoshikawa: one of those rocket kits along with a bunch of candy. Also? Some warm gloves and a hat to keep him warm with.

Takamura Uru: A few cook books and some nice cooking utensils of her own since she seems to like to cook.

Tear Grants: A personalized Christmas Card along with a bag full of various candies for her. Also a couple CDs of pretty music since he remembers your singing hymn power and hey maybe you like music?

Teresa: Another photo album that has photos taken from the past year with Naruto, Allen, Nill, Kratos and Guts since you guys got a bromance going on.

Tony Stark: For thanks for leading the Peace Patrol and helping out with that charity function (SEE? HE CAN BE MATURE), Allen will send him a Christmas card thanking him and a box of chocolates. Since he's noticed the alcohol in the Peace Patrol break room? Yeah, most of them will be liquor filled. ♥

Travis Touchdown & The Deathmatch Staff: For help with the debt fund, Allen will be sending a personalized Christmas Card to Travis, thanking him for his help. It'll also include a large amount of candies, including liquor filled good stuff. Oh, and a few free coupons to some really good pizza places in town. He'll also send a second card to the Deathmatch for the rest of the staff, once again thanking them and a good amount of candy for them to split among themselves.

Tyki Mikk: Treats and a couple toys for your stupid cat so it stops clawing at his face. And a deck of cards. But there will be no tag on the gift. And he's not admitting to anything B|

Uchiha Sasuke: A Christmas card and some candy.

Uzumaki Naruto: Orange light snowpants for the next time Teresa shoves you a snowbank along with a plushie frog that resembles your summon guys a bit.  And toys and treats for your cat and hedgehog.

Yamanaka Ino: A pretty hairpin

Yuan: A personalized Christmas Card along with a bag of different treats for Yuan. Also a pot and some flower seeds because he remembers you being in the garden.


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